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Join our family!

As a for­ward thin­king and expan­sio­nist cor­po­ra­tion, highly qua­li­fied and inno­va­tive employees are the strength of our suc­cess. We offer you a multi­tude of pro­fes­sio­nal career oppor­tu­ni­ties from app­ren­ti­ce­ships via trai­ning cour­ses to intern­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties. Please inform yours­elf on this page of our cur­rent job vacan­cies and embark with us on the road to a suc­cessful future. Send us your appli­ca­tion only as pdf file via mail and please bear in mind that the size of file should not exceed 5 MB.

Shaping the Future Together

We offer excel­lent job and career oppor­tu­ni­ties within the com­pany and the NSH Group, open and co-ope­ra­tive team struc­tures as well as good pay. If you would like to upgrade your qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons or begin your career with us, we would be plea­sed to hear from you and to meet you personally.

Apprenticeship opportunities

  • Mecha­tro­nics Engineer
  • Indus­trial mechanic
  • Elec­tro­nics Engi­neer for auto­ma­tion technology
  • Machine ope­ra­tor
  • Design engi­neer for wel­ding technology
  • Indus­trial busi­ness manage­ment assistant

Educational Support

NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH is sup­ported by the Euro­pean Union and the Free State of Sax­ony in its joint trai­ning pro­gramme. This fun­ding is pro­vi­ded by the Euro­pean Social Fund (ESF).

More Information

Name of the project:
Pro­ject Title: Col­la­bo­ra­tive Training
Appli­ca­tion num­ber: 100361374

Name of the beneficiary:
NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH, Zwi­ckauer Straße 355, 09117 Chem­nitz, Germany

Sum­mary of the project:
The pro­ject ser­ves to streng­then our in-com­­pany voca­tio­nal trai­ning. The aim of the pro­ject is to improve the qua­lity of trai­ning and increase the job poten­tial of NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH. Trai­ning con­tent will be pro­mo­ted which takes place in other com­pa­nies or insti­tu­ti­ons in addi­tion to their own in-com­­pany trai­ning (joint trai­ning). In this way, our trai­nees are gua­ran­teed the entire spec­trum of in-com­­pany voca­tio­nal training.
