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New NILES-SIMMONS machine gene­ra­tion N40MC

  • Com­pre­hen­sive revi­sion and new deve­lo­p­ment of our pro­ven series N40
  • Design high­lights, tech­no­lo­gi­cal variety and solu­ti­ons for digi­ta­liza­tion of machine and process
  • New bench­marks in terms of machi­ning qua­lity, ergo­no­mics and serviceability


Added value:

  • Fle­xi­ble com­plete machi­ning with incre­men­tal tur­ning lengths up to 9500 mm with one or two sepa­rate machi­ning modules
  • A variety of inter­nal machi­ning capa­bi­li­ties with sta­tio­nary or NC-adjus­ta­ble bor­ing bars, auto­ma­tic bor­ing-bar chan­ger or bor­ing quill with or wit­hout head change
  • NC inter­nal tur­ning head with a tra­vel of 60 mm (D‘Andrea-tool)
  • Optio­nal cranks­haft mil­ling unit with large plung­ing depth and a maxi­mum mil­ling power of 73 kW

Technical data

Spe­ci­fi­ca­tion N40 MC
Con­trol system SINUMERIK ONE | SYNUMERIK 840D sl
Drive sys­tem SINAMICS S120
Working area 
Tur­ning length mm 2500 / 3500 / 5000 / 6500 / 8000 / 9500
Swing dia­me­ter         mm 1100
Slide­tra­vel X‑axis mm -30…+1065
Slide­tra­vel Y‑axis mm -350…+350
Main spindle
Spindle head DIN 55026 size                   A15
Spindle bore mm                   160
Bea­ring diameter
mm                   240
Main spindle drive
Drive power S6-40% duty cycle /S‑1 100% duty cycle kW  80/71,     | 77/64     |  87/78         87/78
Speed range rpm  0…1000 | 0…1800 | ..1750 0    …1244
Tor­que S4-40% duty cycle / S1-100% duty cycle
rpm 3400/3400  | 4430/3700 | 8000/7230 11020/9880
Speed range C‑axis mode rpm 0…200     |           0…50             0…50
Feed dri­ves
Rapid feed rates X, Y, Z m/min 30 / 12 (max. ) 20/ 30
Tur­ning-Mil­ling-Dril­ling Head
Tool sys­tem size HSK 100T, C8 |
Drive power 100% / S6- 60% duty cycle kW  56/51,4 | 50 / 46,2
Max. Speed range rpm 5000 | 8000
Swi­vel range of B‑axis degrees -105…+105
Tor­que mil­ling spindle 40% duty cycle / 100% duty cycle Nm        645 / 485 | 446 / 320
Tool maga­zine
Pockets num­ber 48 | 72 |96 | 120| 144
Max. tool length mm 900 | 600/600 | 300/900
Max. weight kg 25
Quill tra­vel mm 170
Quill dia­me­ter mm 180
Quill centre size MK 6*
Clam­ping force kN 5,5…30 | 8…40
*fur­ther opti­ons available on request