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HEGENSCHEIDT MFD: Increase of fatigue strength by deep rolling of large crankshafts up to 200%

Two in one – Incre­asing fati­gue strength and redu­cing TIR  of large cranks­hafts in one machine

The rede­sign of the Deep Rol­ling and Roll Straigh­tening machine 7625 is now com­ple­ted and maxi­mum cranks­haft length up to 6000mm are now possible.

Take advan­tage of an effi­ci­ent, simple and eco­no­mical tech­no­logy that has been estab­lished in the auto­mo­tive car sec­tor for many years. Deep Rol­ling of main and pin bea­ring fil­lets increa­ses the fati­gue strength of cranks­hafts up to 200% and impro­ves sur­face hard­ness and rough­ness of the fil­let radii. Deep Rol­ling works by buil­ding up resi­dual com­pres­sive stres­ses inside the mate­rial with very low energy consumption.

Roll Straigh­tening of cranks­hafts impro­ves cranks­haft defor­ma­ti­ons and run­out (TIR)  to 0.1mm (con­cen­tri­city devia­tion). For sub­se­quent machi­ning pro­ces­ses, there is con­sidera­ble poten­tial for savings by redu­cing the mate­rial allo­wance and machi­ning time.

Roll Straigh­tening is car­ried out as a fol­low-up pro­cess wit­hout re-clam­ping the work­piece on the same machine with the same rol­ling tools.

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