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Training – Operating

Werkzeugmaschinenbau Service: Schulungen / Machine Tool Service: Training


  • Detailed trai­ning in ope­ra­ting of the machine (start up, manual ope­ra­tion, auto­ma­tic ope­ra­tion, fur­ther modes of operation)
  • Basics of machine programming
  • Ins­truc­tion of basic con­trol- and main­ten­ance tasks


  • 1–3 working days

Training – Maintenance

Werkzeugmaschinen Schulung: Bedienung, Instandhaltung Elektrisch


  • Basics of ope­ra­tion of the machine
  • Detailed theo­re­tic trai­ning on design con­fi­gu­ra­tion and mecha­nics of the machine 
    • a) focus – elec­tri­cal: con­trol, setup hard­ware, setup soft­ware, safety con­cept, inter­face PLC – NC, inter­face automation
    • b) focus – mecha­ni­cal: mecha­ni­cal design, fluid com­pon­ents, influence of safety con­cept on the ope­ra­tion of the machine
  • Theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal ins­truc­tion of basic con­trol- and main­ten­ance tasks
  • Expl­ana­tion of the pro­ce­dure of error track­ing (theo­re­ti­cal and practical)


  • 1–3 working days

Training – Programming

Werkzeugmaschinenbau Service: Schulung-Programmierung / Machine Tool Service: Training-Programming


  • Detailed trai­ning in ope­ra­ting of the machine (start up, manual ope­ra­tion, auto­ma­tic ope­ra­tion, fur­ther modes of operation)
  • Exten­ded trai­ning in machine programming
  • In case of sold NSI-tech­no­logy: Ins­truc­tion of struc­ture of instal­led NC-pro­grams and ‑cycles


  • 1–3 working days


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