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Financing solutions – individual, flexible, fair

You are loo­king for an indi­vi­dual and cus­to­mi­zed finan­cing solu­tion for your NILES-SIMMONS machine or ser­vice project?

We sup­port you in the sel­ec­tion of sui­ta­ble instru­ments and arrange com­pe­tent part­ners and solutions!


Invest efficiently.

Opti­mize your inter­nal pro­ces­ses by having cost- and labor-inten­sive finan­cing pro­ces­ses hand­led for you by pro­fes­sio­nal partners.

Save valuable liqui­dity and equity capital!


Stay flexible.

Make peri­odic pay­ments in par­al­lel with the use of your machi­nery and equip­ment, thus finan­cing them from the income gene­ra­ted by the plant.

React fle­xi­bly to chan­ging situa­tions and deve­lo­p­ments on the market.


Work transparently.

Achieve plan­ning secu­rity for your invest­ments through trans­pa­rent pay­ment flows wit­hout hid­den costs.

Machine Tool-Leasing

Equity friendly – Balance sheet neutral – Scheduable

  • Impro­ved equity ratio (as no increase in balance sheet total)
  • Free liqui­dity ins­tead of funds tied up in fixed assets
  • Use of the latest, most effi­ci­ent and cost-opti­mi­zed tech­no­lo­gies and equip­ment, due to the pos­si­bi­lity of repla­cing the equip­ment at the end of the lease
  • Full cost con­trol through sche­dulable install­ments, fixed terms and inte­rest rates


Machine Tool-Installment Purchase

Eligible for subsidies – Balanced – Liquidity-saving

  • Machine fully capi­ta­li­zed in the balance sheet
  • Ful­fill­ment of the requi­re­ment for the use of subsidies
  • Fle­xi­bly sel­ec­ta­ble term up to max. 100 % of the usual ope­ra­ting life (Amortization/depreciation table)
  • Pre­ser­va­tion of liqui­dity and use of tax advantages
  • Trans­fer of owner­ship of your NILES machine at the end of the term

Investment Credit for Machine Tools

Ownership-Forming – Eligible for Subsidies – Up to 100% Financeable

  • Imme­diate trans­fer of owner­ship of your NILES machine
  • Machine fully capi­ta­li­zed in the balance sheet
  • Ful­fill­ment of the requi­re­ment for the use of subsidies
  • Up to 100% of the invest­ment sum can be financed
  • Fixed or fle­xi­ble terms, inte­rest and repay­ment possible

In addition to the instruments presented above, we can also mediate professional and individual advice on

  • Cre­dit insu­rance & guarantees,
  • State sub­si­dies for your pro­jects (e.g. for invest­ments in our par­ti­cu­larly energy-effi­ci­ent NILES machines)
  • Attrac­tive machi­nery insu­rance ser­vices incl. GAP coverage.

Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us!



Our long-stan­ding and strong part­ners are com­pe­tently at your side.


50 ‑200 years of expe­ri­ence. Local com­pe­tence. Exten­sive mar­ket and indus­try knowledge.


Actively repre­sen­ted in over 50 count­ries, on 5 continents.


Manu­fac­tu­rer-inde­pen­dent part­ners. Objec­tive pro­fes­sio­nal competence.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Sales Depart­ment
+ 49 371 802 – 204