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In the Aerospace
for more reliability.

The com­mit­ment could not be hig­her than to con­tri­bute to the relia­bi­lity of the world’s lar­gest pas­sen­ger air­craft. The Turn & Mill Cen­ter Machi­nes are in daily use in order to trans­port pas­sen­gers to the far­thest places in the world. Size and speed make the hig­hest demands on mate­rial and manu­fac­tu­ring and require new stan­dards in the machi­ning of air­craft com­pon­ents, espe­ci­ally with regard to their reliability.

Fur­ther­more, the focus in modern avia­tion is incre­asingly on the use of stron­ger and ligh­ter mate­ri­als. Upon con­s­truc­tional design, such highly heat-resistant mate­ri­als as Tita­nium or Inco­nel are ever more in use, bes­i­des alu­mi­nium and com­po­site mate­ri­als. These fac­tors also increase the com­plex demands on modern Turn & Mill Cen­ter Machi­nes for the manu­fac­tu­ring of com­pon­ents for the aero­space industry.

Through our inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and machi­ning con­cepts, we are able to meet these high demands of our cus­to­mers and thus enable new stan­dards in com­plete machi­ning, from machi­ning tech­no­lo­gies to high-pre­cis­ion grin­ding operations.

Feedback from our customers

Success-Story with OTTO FUCHS

Our new video docu­men­tary about our suc­cessful cus­to­mer rela­ti­onship and the latest jointly rea­li­zed pro­ject with our cus­to­mer OTTO FUCHS KG is finally online.

Alre­ady at the end of sum­mer last year we had the plea­sure to look behind the sce­nes of the OTTO FUCHS busi­ness at the company’s site in Mei­nerz­ha­gen tog­e­ther with the film team of our video part­ner Video Vision.

Some examples of workpieces

We deve­lop Mill Turn Machi­nes for your indi­vi­dual and com­plex work­pie­ces. Here you can see three typi­cal examp­les of work­pie­ces for this branch.

Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Landebein / Complete machining of workpiece: Landing Gear

Landing Gear

Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Turbinenscheibe / Complete machining of workpiece: Turbine Disc

Turbine Disc

Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Turbinenwelle / Complete machining of workpiece: Turbine Shaft

Turbine Shaft


Com­plete manu­fac­tu­ring of com­plex com­pon­ents: NILES-SIMMONS machine con­cept „CLOSED-DOOR-MACHINING“

NILES-SIMMONS deve­lo­ped the machi­ning con­cept “CLOSED-DOOR-MACHINING to meet the ever-incre­asing requi­re­ments con­cer­ning the manu­fac­tu­ring of com­plex, high-pre­cis­ion parts and com­pon­ents initi­ally for the avia­tion industry.

Fully auto­ma­ted com­plete machi­ning of tur­bine and spe­cial shafts – NILES-SIMMONS deve­lops the new »CENTER AXIS ALIGNMENT« process 

In highly tech­ni­cal, inno­va­tive, and sen­si­tive indus­trial sec­tors such as the aero­space indus­try or the defense and energy sec­tors, the demands on the pro­duc­tion of com­plex com­pon­ents and the machi­ning of high-strength mate­ri­als are con­stantly incre­asing. In par­ti­cu­lar, the reduc­tion of error within pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses for highly com­plex and cost-inten­sive work­pie­ces is beco­ming more important with regard to the »cost-per-part« and the accu­ra­cies to be achieved.

To meet these requi­re­ments, NILES-SIMMONS has deve­lo­ped the new fully auto­ma­ted and paten­ted machi­ning and mea­su­ring pro­cess of »CENTER AXS ALIGNMENT« spe­ci­fi­cally for the machi­ning of tur­bine shafts.

If you have any questions, please contact us


Sales Depart­ment
+ 49 371 802 – 333
