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Visit of our american colleagues in Chemnitz

  • News

To streng­then the dis­tri­bu­tion of our pro­ducts in the North Ame­ri­can mar­ket, the NSH sub­si­diary SIMMONS Machine Tool Cor­po­ra­tion has been ren­a­med NSH USA Cor­po­ra­tion. At the same time, NSH USA will also dis­tri­bute NILES-SIMMONS pro­ducts with imme­diate effect. To build up the know-how, the Ame­ri­can col­le­agues visi­ted us in Chemnitz.

Six weeks of inten­sive sales, ser­vice and appli­ca­tion trai­ning are now behind us – thank you for six weeks of pas­sion for tech­no­logy, com­mit­ment and enthu­si­asm for our NSH products!

Thank you for your visit – we are alre­ady loo­king for­ward to joint pro­jects in the future.

