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Review: AMB 2024

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We look back on a suc­cessful trade fair appearance at AMB Stutt­gart 2024. From 10–14 Sep­tem­ber 2024, it was time to pre­sent our­sel­ves and our latest tech­no­lo­gies and pro­ducts and to talk to our cus­to­mers, part­ners and other inte­res­ted par­ties again.

The main topic of our appearance at the trade fair this year was our pro­duct port­fo­lio for our hori­zon­tal NILES-SIMMONS turn-mill machi­ning cen­ters and the range of work­pie­ces that can be machi­ned on these machines.

Num­e­rous visi­tors were impres­sed by the diverse tech­no­lo­gies and machi­ning opti­ons of our NILES-SIMMONS N20MC turn-mill machi­ning cen­ter, which we pre­sen­ted live at our booth. These included bevel and her­ring­bone gears, 5‑axis mil­ling, power ski­ving, inter­nal machi­ning and engraving.

We also pre­sen­ted a vir­tual tour of our newly deve­lo­ped ver­ti­cal tur­ning cen­ter, the DZS “Sta­tor­ma­ker”, from the RASOMA brand, which is pri­ma­rily desi­gned for the effi­ci­ent machi­ning of sta­tor housings for e‑mobility.

Our booth was always well atten­ded and our sales team was plea­sed to receive num­e­rous new pro­ject pro­po­sals and a great deal of cus­to­mer inte­rest in our solu­ti­ons. The AMB, as THE metal­wor­king trade fair in the heart of Europe, has once again pro­ven to be a suc­cessful plat­form for new cont­acts, pro­jects and per­so­nal exch­an­ges with our customers.


