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+GF+ Machining Solutions

NILES-SIMMONS designs, deve­lops and manu­fac­tures Uni­ver­sal High-Pre­cis­ion Mil­ling Cen­tres of the High Perfor­mance Milling series. The HPM-machi­nes are well sui­ted for pro­duc­tion of high-pre­cis­ion work­pie­ces made of high-strength mate­ri­als, in par­ti­cu­lar, for the tool and die indus­try as 5‑axis machine, optio­nally equip­ped with pal­let chan­ger. Up-to-date high speed motor dri­ven spind­les, directly dri­ven rotary and swi­vel axes and the sturdy machine body offer best pre­re­qui­si­tes for effi­ci­ent and pre­cise pro­duc­tion with modern tools.

New: TNC640 with 19″ Touch

High Performance Milling
High Performance Milling
High Performance Milling

Technical data

Tur­ning Function

Spe­ci­fi­ca­tion HPM 1150U HPM 1350U HPM 1850U
Work area
Lon­gi­tu­di­nal, X mm 1000 1350 1850
Late­ral, Y mm 1150 1150 1400
Ver­ti­cal, Z mm 895 H / 700 V 895 H / 700 V
910 H / 815 V
Swi­vel­ling axis degrees 16 / ‑120 16 / ‑120 -20 / +120
Til­ting axis degrees n x 360 n x 360 n x 360
Working spindle 40% ED, S6
15000min-1 HSK 63 kW / Nm 38 / 193 38 / 193 38 / 193
24000min-1 HSK 63 kW / Nm 30 / 75 30 / 75 30 / 75
10000min-1 HSK 100 kW / Nm 34 / 325 34 / 325 34 / 325
Mil­ling-Tur­ning-func­tion 18000min‑1 HSK-T63  kW/Nm   38 / 193 38 / 193
Mil­ling-Tur­ning-func­tion 12000min‑1 HSK-T100  kW/Nm   34 / 325 34 / 325
Feed rate
Rapid tra­verse (X, Y, Z) m/min 30 30 40
Rapid tra­verse (swi­vel­ling) rpm 20 20 20
Rapid tra­verse (rotary table) rpm 40 40 30
Work table
Clam­ping surface mm ø 1000 x 920 ø 1100 x 1000 ø 1600 x 1360
Max. table load kg 1100 1600 5000
Mil­ling-Tur­ning-func­tion tab­led dm./ max. speed mm/rpm   ø 1000 / 500 ø 1500 / 250
Max. table load kg   1600 4000
Tool chan­ger
HSK 63 num­ber 30 / 46 / 92 / 220 / 238 30 / 46 / 92 / 220 /238 45 / 120 / 220 / 238
HSK 100 num­ber 32 / 64 / 130 / 170 32 / 64 / 130 / 170 30 / 130 / 170
Con­trol unit
Hei­den­hain iTNC 530 / TNC640 iTNC 530 / TNC640 iTNC 530 / TNC640
SIEMENS 840DsL 840DsL 840DsL
Heidenhain/SIEMENS     TNC640/ 840D sl TNC640/ 840D sl
Auto­ma­tion (Option)
Palett size / num­ber (- / piece) 1000 x 840 / 3 1000 x 1250 / 3
Maxi­mum load per pallet kg 1000 1500