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The modu­lar design of the RQ series com­bi­nes a high cut­ting force with high pre­cis­ion machi­ning that can be used for all types of rail­way wheels as well as ring-shaped, dif­fi­cult-to-cut work­pie­ces from the aero­space and bea­ring indus­tries. The RQQ model is equip­ped with twin tur­ning sup­ports for the machi­ning rail­way wheels.

Vertikal-Drehzentrum RQQ / Vertical Turning Center RQQ

Added value:

  • Pro­duc­tion machine for auto­ma­tic loading
  • Rough and finish machi­ning in one machine
  • Inte­gra­ted tool and work­piece measuring
  • Pro­cess monitoring
  • Feed con­trol based on cut­ting force (AC control)
  • Opti­mi­sed chip brea­king through speed modu­la­tion (ACS)
  • Low space requirements
  • Coo­ling lubri­cant optio­nal up to 120bar for long ser­vice life of cut­ting tools

Technical data

Spe­ci­fi­ca­tion RQQ
Swing dia­me­ter mm 1900
Work piece dia­me­ter, max. mm 1350 / 1500 / 1600
Face plate drive
Drive power, max. (60/100% ED) kW 207 /192
Speed range min-1 1…360
Tor­que on slab (60/100% ED) kNm 33 / 30,5
LH & RH tool support
Rapid feed m/min 24
Cut­ting force tool unit kN 30 / 30
Tool sys­tem RH
Tool hol­der size 2 x Capto C10
Face posi­tion, diameter mm 100
Draw in force kN 100
Tool maga­zine
Num­ber of pockets 20 / 20
Tool chan­ging time sec 12