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On the Rail
for more speed.

Machining of Railway Wheels

Machining of Railway Axles

Ima­gine that you tra­vel a distance of 30.5 kilo­me­ters in 8 minu­tes. Impos­si­ble? Not quite! Because on the high-speed rail line from Shang­hai air­port to down­town Shang­hai you will exactly cover this distance at speed of 430 km/h.

The appro­pi­ate high-speed rail­way wheels are pro­du­ced on our ver­ti­cal tur­ning machi­nes and repro­fi­led and ser­viced by means of NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group (NSH) tech­no­lo­gies. So we gua­ran­tee utmost safety at maxi­mum speed.

Thanks to use of joint com­pe­ten­ces in the field of rail­car engi­nee­ring, the NSH Group is mar­ket lea­der in deve­lo­ping, manu­fac­tu­ring and deli­ve­ring ver­ti­cal tur­ning machi­nes, hori­zon­tal lathe and lines around the machi­ning of wheel­sets. Based on our pro­duct port­fo­lio, we are the sole com­pany world-wide which is able to plan and to imple­ment com­ple­tely auto­ma­ted work­shops ‑Turn­key Rail­way- and mobile sys­tems for the pro­duc­tion and repair of wheelsets.

Feedback from our customers

Some examples of workpieces

We deve­lop ver­ti­cal tur­ning machi­nes and hori­zon­tal lathe for your indi­vi­dual and com­plex work­pie­ces. Here you can see three typi­cal examp­les of work­pie­ces for this branch.

Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Achse / Complete machining of workpiece: Axle


Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Zugrad / Complete machining of workpiece: Wheel


Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Radsatz / Complete machining of workpiece: Wheel Set

Wheel Set

If you have any questions, please contact us


Sales Depart­ment
+ 49 371 802 – 333
