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We attach par­ti­cu­lar importance to the fact that your pri­vacy is pro­tec­ted during the use of our offers and the use of our ser­vices. Com­pli­ance with natio­nal and Euro­pean legal regu­la­ti­ons for the pro­tec­tion of your per­so­nal data is a mat­ter of course for us. This data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion applies to the web­site of NILES SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH at and all asso­cia­ted subdomains.


I. Name and address of the responsible person

The per­son respon­si­ble in terms of Art. 4 Nr. 7 DSGVO is:

NILES SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH
Zwi­ckauer Straße 355
09117 Chemnitz

Phone: +49 (0) 371 802–0
E‑Mail: info.nsi[at]

II. Name and adress of the data protection officer

Our pri­vacy offi­cer is:
Katy Sei­del
Zwi­ckauer Straße 355
09117 Chem­nitz Germany

Phone: + 49 (0) 371 802–250
E‑Mail: dsb.nsh[at]

III. General information on dataprocessing

1. The Amount of personal data processing

We coll­ect and use per­so­nal data of our users only to the amount neces­sary to pro­vide a func­tional web­site as well as our con­tent and ser­vices. The coll­ec­tion and use of per­so­nal data of our users takes place regu­larly only with the con­sent of the user. An excep­tion applies in those cases in which it is not pos­si­ble to obtain pre­vious con­sent for actual reasons and the pro­ces­sing of the data is allo­wed by sta­tu­tory pro­vi­si­ons. If you only use the web­site for infor­ma­tion pur­po­ses, in other words if you do not regis­ter or pro­vide us with other infor­ma­tion, we only coll­ect the per­so­nal data that your brow­ser trans­mits to our ser­ver (see Coo­kies under V.).

2.The legal basis for the processing of personal data

Inso­far as we obtain the con­sent of the per­son con­cer­ned for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a EU Data Pro­tec­tion Basic Regu­la­tion (DSGVO) is used as the legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data. Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. b DSGVO is the legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data requi­red for the per­for­mance of a con­tract whose con­trac­tual defence is the per­son con­cer­ned. This also applies to pro­ces­sing ope­ra­ti­ons that are neces­sary to carry out pre-con­trac­tual and/or post-con­trac­tual mea­su­res (e.g. cus­to­mer ser­vice).  If the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data is neces­sary to com­ply with a legal obli­ga­tion to which our com­pany is sub­ject, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO acts as the legal basis. In ins­tances where vital inte­rests of the data sub­ject or ano­ther natu­ral per­son require the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. d DSGVO acts as a legal basis. In case the pro­ces­sing is neces­sary to pro­tect a legi­ti­mate inte­rest of our com­pany or a third party and the inte­rests, fun­da­men­tal rights and fun­da­men­tal free­doms of the data sub­ject do not out­weight the first men­tio­ned inte­rest, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO act as legal basis for the processing.


3. Data erasure and storage period

The per­so­nal data of the per­son con­cer­ned will be dele­ted or blo­cked as soon as the pur­pose of sto­rage no lan­ger applies. Fur­ther­more, the data can be stored, if this has been pro­vi­ded by Euro­pean or natio­nal law­ma­kers in EU regu­la­ti­ons, laws or other regu­la­ti­ons to which we are sub­ject. The data can also be blo­cked or dele­ted, if a sto­rage period sti­pu­la­ted by the men­tio­ned stan­dards expi­res, unless it is neces­sary for the fur­ther sto­rage of the data in order to con­clude or ful­fil  a contract.


IV. Website deployment and log files creation

1. Description and scope of data processing

When you visit our web­site, the brow­ser which is used on your ter­mi­nal will auto­ma­ti­cally send infor­ma­tion to the ser­ver of our web­site. This infor­ma­tion is tem­po­r­a­rily stored in a so-cal­led log file. The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­tion is acqui­red wit­hout your inter­ven­tion and stored until auto­ma­ted deletion:

  • IP address of the reques­ted computer,
  • Date and time of access,
  • Name and URL of the reques­ted file,
  • Web­site from which the access is made (Refer­rer URL),
  • Type and ver­sion of used brow­ser and ope­ra­ting sys­tem of your device,
  • Amount of sen­ded data,
  • The name of your access provider.

Your IP address is imme­dia­tely anony­mi­zed after pro­ces­sing and before it is stored (IP mas­king). It is sepa­ra­tely stored, in this form it is not repro­du­ci­ble and will never be com­bi­ned with data from other data that con­cerns you. The stored  and men­tio­ned data will be pro­ces­sed by us for the fol­lo­wing purposes:

  • Ensure a pro­blem-free con­nec­tion of the websites,
  • Pro­vide a com­for­ta­ble use of our websites,
  • Eva­lua­tion of the safety sys­tem and stability,
  • Admi­nis­tra­tive purposes,
  • Sta­tis­tics,
  • Detec­tion and trackin of spam, viru­ses or attacks on our servers,
  • Eva­lua­tion and impro­ve­ment of our web­site content.

The data will not be used for any other pur­pose. Under no cir­cum­s­tances we will use this data to draw con­clu­si­ons about your person.

2. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the pro­vi­sio­nal data pro­ces­sing refer­red to above is Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. f DSGVO

3. Purpose of data processing

The data will be dele­ted as soon as they are no more requi­red to achieve the pur­pose fow which they were obtai­ned. In the case of data reco­very  for the pro­vi­sion of the web­sites, this is the cir­cum­s­tance, when te respec­tive ses­sion had ended.  If the data is stored in log file, this is no latern than seven days. A sto­rage bey­ond these is pos­si­ble. In this case, the IP addres­ses of the users are dele­ted or ali­en­ated, that an assign­ment of the cal­ling cli­ent is no lon­ger possible.

5. Possibility of objection and removal

The coll­ec­tion of data for the deli­very of the web­sites and the sto­rage of data in log files is requi­red for the ope­ra­tion of the web­site. The­r­e­fore, the user has no right of objection.

V. Use of Cookies

1. Description and amount of data processing

Our web­sites use coo­kies. Coo­kies are text files that are stored in the Inter­net brow­ser or by the Inter­net brow­ser of the user’s com­pu­ter sys­tem. When a user visits a web­site, a coo­kie can be stored on the user’s ope­ra­ting sys­tem. This coo­kie con­ta­ins a series of cha­rac­ters that enables the brow­ser to be pre­cis­ely iden­ti­fied, when the web­site is visi­ted again. We use coo­kies to make our web­site more user-fri­endly. Some ele­ments of our web­site require that the visi­ted brow­ser can be iden­tify even after a page change. The fol­lowung data is stored and trans­mit­ted in the cookies:

  • lan­guage settings
  • Log-in infor­ma­tion

We also use coo­kies on our web­sites, which allow the ana­ly­sis of the Surf beha­viour of users. In this way, the fol­lo­wing data can be submitted

  • Ente­red search terms
  • Fre­quency of page views
  • Use of Web­site functions

The coll­ec­ted user data in this way is pseud­ony­mi­sed by tech­ni­cal pre­cau­ti­ons. The­r­e­fore, it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to allo­cate the data of the cal­led users. The data are not stored simul­ta­neously with other per­so­nal data of the users. When the users visit our web­sites, they are infor­med through an info­ban­ner about the use of coo­kies for ana­ly­sis pur­po­ses and refer­red to this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion. In this con­text, there is also an ins­truc­tion to how the sto­rage of coo­kies in the brow­ser set­tings can be pre­ven­ted. When the user visits our Web­site, he is infor­med about the use of coo­kies for ana­ly­sis pur­po­ses and his con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of the used per­so­nal data is simul­ta­neously obtai­ned. In this con­text, it is also refer­red to this data pro­tec­tion declaration.

2. Legal basis for data processing 

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data by using tech­ni­cally neces­sary coo­kies ist Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. If the user has given his con­sent, the legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data by using coo­kies for ana­ly­sis pur­po­ses is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

3. Purpose of data processing

The pur­pose of using tech­ni­cally neces­sary coo­kies is to sim­plify the use of Web­sites for the users. Some func­tions of our web­sites can not be offe­red wit­hout the use of coo­kies. For this pur­pose, it is neces­sary that the brow­ser is reco­gni­zed even after a page change. We need coo­kies for the fol­lo­wing applications:

  • Adop­tion of lan­guage settings
  • Remem­ber search terms

The user data coll­ec­ted by tech­ni­cally neces­sary coo­kies are not used to create user pro­files. The coo­kies ana­ly­sis are used for the pur­pose of impro­ving the qua­lity of our web­sites and their con­tent. Through the coo­kies ana­ly­sis, we learn how the web­sites are used and how we can the­r­e­fore opti­mise our ser­vices con­stantly. Our legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data, in accor­ding to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO, belongs to these purposes.

4. Storage duration, possibility of objection and removal

Coo­kies are stor­erd on the user’s com­pu­ter and are trans­fer­red to us by the user. This means that, you have full con­trol over the use of coo­kies as a user. You can deac­ti­vate or rest­rict the trans­fer of coo­kies, if you change the set­tings in your Inter­net brow­ser. Coo­kies, that have alreay been saved, can be dele­ted at any time. This can auto­ma­ti­cally be done. If coo­kies are deac­ti­va­ted for our web­site, it is pos­si­ble that, all func­tions of the web­site can no lon­ger be used to its full capacity.

VI. Registration

VII. Contact form and e‑mail contact

1. Description and Amount of data processing

A cont­act form is available on our web­site, which can be used for elec­tro­nic cont­act. If a user choo­ses this option, the pro­vi­ded data in the input mask will be trans­mit­ted to us and stored. These data are:

  • First name, sur­name, com­pany, title, pos­tal code, city, e‑mail adress and the com­ment itself.

In the moment the mes­sage is sent, the fol­lo­wing data will also be stored:

  • The IP address of the user
  • Date and time of registration

Your con­sent will be obtai­ned for the pro­ces­sing of the data as part of the sen­ding pro­cess and a refe­rence will be made to this data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­tion. Alter­na­tively, it is pos­si­ble to cont­act us via the pro­vi­ded e‑mail address (see also above I.). In this case, the user per­so­nal data will be stored, which are sent with the e‑mail address. In this con­text, the data will not be trans­fer­red to third par­ties. The data will be used exclu­si­vely for the pro­ces­sing of the conversation.

2. Legal basis for data processing

If the user has given his con­sent, the legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO. The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of data, which are pro­vi­ded in the course of sen­ding an e‑mail, is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO. If the pur­pose of the e‑mail cont­act is to con­clude a con­tract, the legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

3. Purpose of data processing

The pro­ces­sing of the per­so­nal data from the input mask ser­ves us exclu­si­vely for the pur­po­ses of the estab­lis­ment of cont­act. In case of a cont­act via e‑mail, it is also the neces­sary legi­ti­mate inte­rest in the pro­ces­sing of the data. The other per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed, during the sen­ding pro­cess, serve to pre­vent misuse of the cont­act form and to ensure the secu­rity of our infor­ma­tion tech­no­logy systems.

4. Storage period

The data will be dele­ted as soon a sthey are no lon­ger neces­sary for the achie­ve­ment of the pur­pose for which they were coll­ec­ted. For the per­so­nal data from the input mask of the cont­act form and those sent by e‑mail, this is the case, when the respec­tive con­ve­sa­tion with the user has ended. The con­ver­sa­tion is ter­mi­na­ted, when it can be infer­red form the cir­cum­s­tances that the rele­vant facts have been resol­ved. The addi­tio­nal per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted during the sen­ding pro­cess will be dele­ted after seven days at the latest.

5. Possibility of objection and removal

The user has the pos­si­bi­lity to change his con­sent for the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data at any time. If the user cont­acts us by e‑mail, he can object to the sto­rage of his per­so­nal data at any time. In such case, the con­ver­sa­tion can not be con­tin­ued. The objec­tion can be made accor­ding to the user’s choice using the cont­act data given under I. above. In this case, all per­so­nal data stored during the cont­act pro­cess will be deleted.

VIII. Social Media and embedded content

Embed­ding of  YouTube-Videos

  1. We have included You­Tube videos in our online con­tent, which are stored at and can be played directly from our web­site . [These are all inte­gra­ted in the »exten­ded data pro­tec­tion mode«, i.e. no data about you as user is tran­fer­red to You­Tube, if you do not play the videos. Only when you play the videos, the data will refer­red to in para­graph 2 be trans­mit­ted. We have no influence on this data transmission.]
  2. When you visit the web­site, You­Tube recei­ves the infor­ma­tion that you have acces­sed to the cor­re­spon­ding sub­page of our web­site. In addi­tion, the data refer­red to in Sec­tion V of this state­ment will be trans­mit­ted. This occurs inde­pendently of you have log­ged into You­tube or you have not there user account. If you are log­ged into Google, your data will be assi­gned directly to your account. If you do not wish your pro­file to be asso­cia­ted with You­Tube, you must log out before the but­ton is acti­va­ted. You­Tube stores your data as user pro­files and uses them for adver­ti­sing, mar­ket rese­arch and/or the design of its web­site to meet your needs. Such eva­lua­tion is car­ried out in par­ti­cu­lar (even for users who are not log­ged in) to pro­vide demand-ori­en­ted adver­ti­sing and to inform other users of the social net­work about your acti­vi­ties on our web­site. You have the right to object to the crea­tion of these user pro­files, but you must cont­act You­Tube to exer­cise this right.
  3. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the pur­pose and scope of data coll­ec­tion and pro­ces­sing by You­Tube can be found ind the Pri­vacy Policy. There you will also find more infor­ma­tion about your rights and set­tings to pro­tect your pri­vacy: Google pro­ces­ses your per­so­nal data also in the USA and has sub­mit­ted to the EU-US Pri­vacy Shield,


We use google Maps to show maps and to gene­rate maps. Google Maps is ope­ra­ted by Google Inc., 1600 Amphi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. These pages are appro­pria­tely ack­now­led­ged. Through the use of this ser­vice, you con­sent the coll­ec­tion of pro­ces­sing and use of the data coll­ec­ted and ente­red from you by Google. The terms of use for Google Maps can be found at

Google Fonts

Our web­site uses Google Fonts on all pages. Google Fonts pro­vi­des fonts effi­ci­ently, allo­wing us to give our site’s text a con­sis­tent look and deli­ver the page quickly, regard­less of which brow­ser you have instal­led or which ope­ra­ting sys­tem you use. Google Fonts is a ser­vice pro­vi­ded by Google Inc. (Google). The use of Google Fonts can trans­fer infor­ma­tion about the use of this web­site, inclu­ding your IP address, to Google in the United States.

When you visit a page, your brow­ser estab­lishes a direct con­nec­tion with Google’s ser­vers. The font is trans­mit­ted by Google directly to your brow­ser and inte­gra­ted into the web­site . We the­r­e­fore have no influence on the ext­ent of the data coll­ec­ted in this way by Google.

If you do not want that Google coll­ects, pro­ces­ses or uses data about you through our web­site, you can blo­cke the con­nec­tions to in your ope­ra­ting sys­tem or a sui­ta­ble brow­ser add-on. In this case, it could be that the use of our web­site made more difficult.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the pur­pose and the amount of data coll­ec­tion as well as the addi­tio­nal pro­ces­sing and use of data by Google, your rights in this regard and set­ting opti­ons to pro­tect your pri­vacy, please refer to Google’s data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­tion under .

IX. Webanalyse by Matomo (currently disabled)

Data is coll­ec­ted and stored on our web­site using the web ana­ly­sis soft­ware Matomo ( on which we have a jus­ti­fia­ble inte­rest in the sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis of user beha­viour for opti­mi­sa­tion pur­po­ses in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. From this data, pseud­ony­mi­sed user pro­files are crea­ted and eva­lua­ted for the same pur­pose. Coo­kies are not used for this. The data coll­ec­ted with Matomo tech­no­logy (inclu­ding your pseud­ony­mi­sed IP address) is pro­ces­sed on the ser­vers of an aut­ho­ri­sed processor.
The infor­ma­tion obtai­ned from the pseud­ony­mous user pro­files can not be used to iden­tify the visi­tor to this web­site per­so­nally and is not mer­ged with per­so­nal data about the per­son of the pseud­onym. If you do not agree with the sto­rage and eva­lua­tion of this data from your visit, you can deac­ti­vate the sto­rage of track­ing data in your brow­ser (»Do not Track«). Our Matomo instal­la­tion will then also not store any pseud­ony­mous user data from you.

X. Your rights as a data subject

  1. You have the fol­lo­wing rights against us with regard to your per­so­nal data:
    · Right to information,
    · Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion or deletion,
    · Right to limit the processing,
    · Right to object to the processing,
    · Right to data transferability.
  2. You also have the right to com­plain about the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data by us with a data pro­tec­tion super­vi­sory authority.

Data protection officer

Katy Sei­del
Zwi­ckauer Straße 355
09117 Chem­nitz Germany

Phone: + 49 (0) 371 802–250
E‑Mail: dsb.nsh[at]
