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Behind the Scenes: Film Production at NILES-SIMMONS

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Recently, we had the plea­sure of wel­co­ming a film crew and col­le­agues from Sand­vik Coro­mant Swe­den to our pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in Chem­nitz. Tog­e­ther, we pro­du­ced a film show­ca­sing our latest tur­ning-mil­ling cen­ter, the N60MC—a machine that com­bi­nes cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gies and sets new stan­dards in pre­cis­ion machining.


At the heart of the pro­ject was the impres­sive equip­ment of the N60MC, inclu­ding a bor­ing bar maga­zine with auto­ma­tic tool change (ATC), the latest gene­ra­tion of vibra­tion-dam­ped SANDVIK Silent Tools Plus, and a glo­bally uni­que machine inte­gra­tion. With a nomi­nal length of 9,000 mm, this high-per­for­mance machi­ning cen­ter is spe­ci­fi­cally desi­gned for the pre­cise pro­ces­sing of high-strength materials—making it ideal for deman­ding work­pie­ces, such as those requi­red in the aero­space industry.


The film­ing not only pro­vi­ded fasci­na­ting insights into the tech­no­lo­gies behind the N60MC, but also offe­red a great oppor­tu­nity to col­la­bo­rate with the experts from Sand­vik Coro­mant and the pro­fes­sio­nal film crew. We would like to express our sin­cere gra­ti­tude to ever­yone invol­ved for their dedi­ca­tion, crea­ti­vity, and out­stan­ding teamwork.

Stay tuned – the final video will be released soon!
