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Fun, games and excitement – the NSH TECHNOLOGY summer happening

  • News

In these cold days, we take a brief look back at the hot sum­mer. The NSH TECHNOLOGY sum­mer hap­pe­ning was a suc­cessful event to exch­ange ideas on a per­so­nal level out­side of the TEAMS plat­form, to get to know col­le­agues from Glauchau, Döbeln or Chem­nitz per­so­nally and to streng­then the team spi­rit at the end.

We have put tog­e­ther a short after­mo­vie for all those who want to take a look at the game high­lights in which we competed.

We wish all our col­le­agues a lot of fun with the beau­tiful and funny memories.

We look for­ward to the con­ti­nua­tion next year.

