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Grinding unlimited –  WEMA Glauchau presents a new machine at GrindTec 2020

The NSH subsidiary WEMA Glauchau expands its product portfolio in the field of external machining with the new WOTAN® S3A and exhibits the compact machine at the GrindTec 2020

The new WOTAN® S3A is the focus of the Grind­Tec exhi­bi­tion of the machine tool com­pany WEMA Glauchau GmbH. At the inter­na­tio­nal trade show for grin­ding tech­no­logy from 10th to 13st Novem­ber 2020 in Augs­burg, the sub­si­diary of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group will be exhi­bi­ting the com­pact machine with auto­ma­tion and in-house deve­lo­ped user-fri­endly grin­ding soft­ware WoP 4.0 in Hall 3, Booth 3024.

It is pos­si­ble to maschine espe­ci­ally small to medium-sized chuck parts and shaft-type work­pie­ces opti­mally with the WOTAN® S3A. The maschine allows not only the grin­ding of out­side dia­me­ters, but also con­tour, poly­gon, sur­face and thread grin­ding. Inter­nal machi­ning can also be con­fi­gu­red accor­ding to the work task. Work­piece lengths of up to 1,000 or up to 1,600 mil­li­me­t­res bet­ween cen­tres are curr­ently pos­si­ble. Thanks to a solid and very rigid bed, the curr­ently smal­lest machine in the WEMA port­fo­lio can easily pro­cess work­piece weights up to 500 kilograms.

»By the com­ple­tely rede­si­gned WOTAN® S3A we pro­vide a very com­pact machine, which allows to solve various grin­ding tasks in a cost-opti­mi­zed way. In accordance with our com­pany motto 「grin­ding unli­mi­ted – Made in Ger­many」, we have again exten­ded our pro­duct port­fo­lio in the field of exter­nal machi­ning. The feed­back from the mar­ket show that we have tap­ped the pulse of the users. The sys­tem enables an order-spe­ci­fic pro­duc­tion of smal­ler bat­ches in best qua­lity and at com­pe­ti­tive pri­ces,« explains WEMA Mana­ging Direc­tor Ronald Krippendorf.

High avai­la­bi­lity and fle­xi­bi­lity due to a modu­la­ri­sed machine assem­bly, redu­ced down­ti­mes and low main­ten­ance costs as well as user-fri­endly ope­ra­tion are decisive argu­ments for it. The »light­weight« WOTAN® S3A with two linear axes allows fast and very pre­cise movements.

Due to the hydro­sta­tic bea­ring and the drive through a linear motor, the axes are not sub­ject to the typi­cal wear. The grin­ding unit can be loa­ded with up to four tools, the ratio of exter­nal and inter­nal grin­ding wheels can be cus­to­mi­zed accor­ding to the work task. The in-house deve­lo­ped grin­ding soft­ware WoP 4.0 ensu­res fast and trans­pa­rent con­fi­gu­ra­tion of the sys­tem. Wop offers work­shop-ori­en­ted pro­gramming, pro­cess-ori­en­ted archi­tec­ture and com­fort: Intui­tive menus guide the ope­ra­tor pre­cis­ely through the para­me­ter input via a user-fri­endly inter­face; exten­sive con­trol func­tions ensure maxi­mum safety. In addi­tion, the indus­try 4.0 sui­ta­ble soft­ware and machine con­trol sys­tem can be easily inte­gra­ted, remo­tely ope­ra­ted and multilingual.

An upstream auto­ma­tion solu­tion can be used to achieve a com­plete con­ti­nuous pro­duc­tion chain from the rough part to the machi­ned final work­piece, inclu­ding an in-line mea­su­ring sys­tem and other secon­dary pro­ces­ses, which gives the user a leap in pro­duc­ti­vity. This ensu­res a 100% con­trol of the machi­ned work­pie­ces and allows unman­ned ope­ra­tion or mul­ti­ple machine ope­ra­tion. “Machi­nes and peri­pherals are offe­red by the NSH Group as a com­plete solu­tion from a sin­gle source“, Ronald Krip­pen­dorf indi­ca­tes the noti­ceable effects for the cus­to­mers, which the inte­gra­tion of WEMA Glauchau brought into the inter­na­tio­nally machine tool manu­fac­tu­ring group in 2013.

The appro­xi­m­ately 60 employees of WEMA Glauchau deve­lop, con­s­truct and pro­duce pre­cis­ion machine tools in the tra­di­tion of the WOTAN-Com­pany foun­ded in 1909. The pro­duct port­fo­lio includes exter­nal, inter­nal, uni­ver­sal and rol­ler bea­ring grin­ding machi­nes as well as spe­cial solu­ti­ons. As part of the glo­bally active NSH Group, the com­pany deli­vers its machi­nes and ser­vices on all continents.


NSH Over­view:

The NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group (NSH) focu­ses its busi­ness acti­vi­ties on rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­ture and sales of machine tools with the goal of manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ducts with the hig­hest qua­lity, inno­va­ti­vion and energy efficiency.

The NSH Group is one of the 30 lar­gest machine tool manu­fac­tu­r­ers in the world and is enga­ged in five indus­trial sec­tors: Mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, auto­mo­tive and truck indus­try, aero­space, rail­way and metro indus­try as well as tool and die. 

Contact Person

Managing Director

Ronald Krip­pen­dorf
+ 49 3763 61–150

