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In the luggage carrier with an educational Mission

It is an idea that is more than admi­ra­ble. Every year, our instal­la­tion mana­ger Jörg Leh­mann and his wife, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with local part­ners, sup­port the school and edu­ca­tio­nal work in con­nec­tion with the estab­lish­ment of muni­ci­pal net­works and struc­tures in Africa. For this pur­pose they coll­ect school and tea­ching mate­ri­als or, if neces­sary, buy spe­ci­fic books/materials.

They took the first step in 2017 by per­so­nally dis­tri­bu­ting a deli­very of school and tea­ching mate­ri­als tog­e­ther with their local part­ners in the Kivu pro­vinc of the DR Congo und Uganda. »The prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence obtai­ned from the imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­ject shows that it is pos­si­ble to sup­port peo­ple in war- and con­flict-affec­ted regi­ons in rebuil­ding a social society with few resour­ces,« Leh­mann proudly explains his social initiative.

The idea for this pro­ject and for the foun­da­tion of the asso­cia­tion »Hujambo Habari ‑School Pro­ject East Africa« e.V. came to the Leh­manns on their jour­ney through East Africa, inclu­ding the DR Congo, Uganda and Kenya, during which they were riding their bikes »by the way­side«. »On our jour­ney we visi­ted many schools and met peo­ple who want to make a change and a dif­fe­rence in their region. This is how the idea for our pro­ject was born: With our small asso­cia­tion, we would like to pro­vide local help per­so­nally and with the coope­ra­tion of our local part­ners«, explains Lehmann.

A travel journal

For a clo­ser look, here is a short tra­vel report from this year:

First of all, many thanks to all of you for the sup­port with the pro­ject. What we have achie­ved there was only pos­si­ble because of every one of you. 

The last week was again very impres­sive. Since our last visit a lot has hap­pened in the small town of Kal­ehe, in the ISTD Insti­tute and in the com­mu­ni­ties. The schools and peo­ple are working tog­e­ther with the other com­mu­ni­ties. This has mainly been made pos­si­ble by our spe­cial fri­end Ber­tin. He orga­ni­zed sewing schools for our visit and we also went to some schools with a small kind of trai­ning school for sewers and car­pen­ters. Howe­ver, they live under very, very simple con­di­ti­ons, if you have not seen this yours­elf, you will hardly believe it.
The peo­ple here often have not­hing and live in gar­bage. Child­ren enjoy the most simple things. The peo­ple have here a lot of joy of life through music. They have even com­po­sed a song for us.
By the little we have done here, the peo­ple were so gra­teful that we left with almost more than we brought. They gave us a goat, a tur­key, a chi­cken and a lot of joy of life.
One of the big­gest pro­blems here are the many child­ren who are con­stantly gro­wing in num­ber. It is very dif­fi­cult to get to the peo­ple and con­vince them not to have so many children.
Uwe has reco­gni­zed or obser­ved it: The ones who want to make a big change here are the women.
For the future there are many ideas, dreams and work. 3 years ago we also had many dreams and some have alre­ady come true.
The aim is to try to sup­port Ber­tin and his team in every way pos­si­ble in buil­ding up edu­ca­tion. Among other things we want to try to print books in Bukavu. We would also like to sup­port the work­shops with sewing machi­nes and toolsm and to train the tea­chers and sup­port them with their ideas for prac­ti­cal edu­ca­tio­nal projects.

Before we give you some impres­si­ons of the cur­rent pro­ject, here are the pos­si­bi­li­ties of support.

How can i support?

Which school and lear­ning mate­ri­als are needed?

  • Text­books for pre-school to high school in French, Eng­lish or Swahili
  • Lear­ning materials/ tea­ching resour­ces e.g. lear­ning pos­ters (English/ French), lear­ning games, con­s­truc­tion kits, cal­cu­la­tors, mate­ri­als for geo­me­tric dra­wing, pain­ting kits, han­di­craft mate­ri­als, maps
  • Text­books for trai­ning and stu­dies in Eng­lish or French
  • Mate­ri­als and tea­ching resour­ces for study and adult education
  • Sports equipment/ materials
  • Musi­cal Instruments
  • Car­pen­try tools

Finan­cial support 

If you would like to donate, you can make a dona­tion at any time. For more infor­ma­tion, please cont­act us at the fol­lo­wing address:



We, as NILES-SIMMONS, are also supporting this project and wish Jörg the best possible success for his project and are proud to have such an employee with us.
