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Zwi­ckauer Straße 355
09117 Chemnitz
+49 371 · 802–0
+49 371 · 852 578

Legal information

This imprint also applies to the pages on You­Tube and Xing of NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH. The repro­duc­tion or dupli­ca­tion of con­tent from this web­site, for wha­te­ver pur­pose and in wha­te­ver form, is not allo­wed wit­hout the express writ­ten per­mis­sion of NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH.

Link liability

In the cur­rent juris­dic­tion, it was partly deci­ded that the ope­ra­tor of a web­site has to share respon­si­bi­lity for the con­tents of the lin­ked page by inclu­ding an exter­nal link. This can only be pre­ven­ted by expressly distancing ones­elf from the con­tents. NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH has included links to other web­sites on the Inter­net in its web­site. The fol­lo­wing applies to all these links: NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH for­mally dis­claims any influence on the design and con­tent of the men­tio­ned web­sites. NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH her­eby expressly distances its­elf from all con­tents of all of all lin­ked web­sites and does not assume owner­ship of these con­tents. This decla­ra­tion applies to all refe­ren­ces and con­tents of the web­sites, which the visi­ble ban­ners, but­tons and refe­ren­ces are dis­played on and lead to the web­site of NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH. Nevert­hel­ess, all these refe­ren­ces are gene­rally con­trol­led before the inclu­sion of the cor­re­spon­ding links and at regu­lar inter­vals, in order to satisfy the self-impo­sed claim to pre­sent a serious Inter­net offer.

The con­tents of the NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH web­site are con­stantly reviewed, updated and impro­ved. Despite all due pre­cau­ti­ons, data may have chan­ged in the mean­time. For the cor­rect­ness, com­ple­ten­ess and cur­rent­ness can not lia­bi­lity be assu­med! Any lia­bi­lity in par­ti­cu­lar for cur­rent dama­ges or con­se­quen­ces cau­sed by the use of the infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded is disclaimed.

NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH reser­ves the right to dis­con­ti­nue free infor­ma­tion and offers at any time wit­hout pre­vious notice. NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH shall not be made respon­si­ble for any damage incurred.

Picture source reference

Unless other­wise sta­ted, NSH TECHNOLOGY GmbH is the owner and copy­right hol­der of the pho­to­gra­phic material.

If we have mista­kenly acted in accordance with an owner’s copy­right or have fai­led to take ade­quate mea­su­res to pro­tect it, we request that you notify us imme­dia­tely via email at info.nsi[at] We app­re­ciate that.

Tradenames / Trademarks

Pro­ducts, brands, names and logos shown or men­tio­ned here are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of the respec­tive pro­vi­der and are sub­ject to the cor­re­spon­ding trade­mark law.

Chairman & CEO

Prof. E.h. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans J. Naumann

John O. Naumann

President  / COO

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Kräher

Commercial register

Amts­ge­richt Chemnitz
Gerichts­straße 2
09112 Chemnitz
HRB-Nr.: 5843

VAT ident no.

DE 140853999

Conditions of Purchase

Con­di­ti­ons of Purchase (Novem­ber 2022)


Zer­ti­fi­ziert nach ISO 9001:2015
 Cer­ti­fied to ISO 9001:2015
 сертифицирован по ISO 9001:2015
