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EUROPEAN PEACE RIDE 2023: the NSH Group is part of it!

NSH par­ti­ci­pa­tes as spon­sor and active mem­ber in the EUROPEAN PEACE RIDE 2023 On Sep­tem­ber 08, the Euro­pean Peace Ride will start for the third time. The NSH Group is par­ti­ci­pa­ting for the first time as a spon­sor of the for­mer Peace Ride and will also send a rider from the Chem­nitz head­quar­ters of the NSH Group into the race. In addi­tion to num­e­rous riders from Ger­many, Pol­and, the Czech Repu­blic and Aus­tria, Tour de France stage win­ners André Grei­pel and Mar­cus Burg­hardt will take part in the Euro­pean Peace…

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Exciting times

While some are on their well-deser­ved vaca­tion, others are alre­ady in full pre­pa­ra­tion for the next events. Our calen­dars for August, but espe­ci­ally for Sep­tem­ber, are alre­ady well fil­led. This is what is coming up: 21.08. Start of our new trai­nees 02.09. Schule macht Betrieb in Mitt­weida 09.09. Schule macht Betrieb in Frei­berg 09.09. and 10.09. Mach was in Chem­nitz 15.09.  Spät­schicht at NILES-SIMMONS 18.09. to 23.09. EMO in Han­no­ver 23.09. Mak­erz in Aue We will inform you about the events on our social media plat­forms and here on our…

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European Mountain Summit – 6 countries, 1,500 km, once across the Alps

Pure adven­ture Our col­le­ague Erik Brauer was on the road with fri­ends on the stee­pest road trip in Europe the last few days: the Euro­pean Moun­tain Sum­mit. 6 count­ries, 1,500km, once across the Alps. The full story and more pic­tures you can find here:  

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Behind the scenes – Turn-Mill machining center retrofit project

We give you a short insight into a retro­fit pro­ject of a turn-mill machi­ning cen­ter at the Chem­nitz site. Here, a machine is being made fit again after 20 years of use. A suc­cessful pro­ject also in terms of sus­taina­bi­lity. Have fun watching 

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Girls power in machine tool manufacturing

Girl power in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring It’s that time again: on 27.04.23 the annual Girls」 Day or Girls」 Future Day will take place. Of course we will be there. Regis­ter until 20.04.23 via »>«<. With us, you can expect not only the big tech­no­logy in the form of our machine tools, but also the small (photo) tech­no­logy. What does that mean? Find out on this day. Our (machine) doors are open for you. See you around. 

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Happy Easter

Stay tuned for our new retro­fit and num­e­rous fur­ther pro­jects during the next weeks. Enjoy your holidays 

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We are on Instagram

We are on Insta­gram – We take you behind the sce­nes of our Group, the machi­nes, the ser­vice and the peo­ple behind them. Fol­low us @nshgroup and don’t miss the upco­ming pho­tos and videos. 

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Visit us at the INTEC in Leipzig

Finally, the time has come again: the INTEC in Leip­zig opens its doors from 07.03. – 10.03.23. We will of course be there with num­e­rous high­lights. Visit us at booth B06/C05 in hall 2 and we will gladly send you free entry codes. Just cont­act our sales team at  sales.nsi[at] Thank you very much and see you soon. 

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Winter is coming – and thus the final exams for our trainees

These days, we keep our fin­gers crossed for ten young peo­ple and the upco­ming end of their app­ren­ti­ce­ship trai­ning pro­gram­mes! This includes of course their tho­rough pre­pa­ra­tion for the final prac­ti­cal exami­na­tion in the pro­fes­si­ons mecha­tro­nics engi­neer, elec­tro­nics tech­ni­cian, cut­ting machine ope­ra­tor, con­s­truc­tion mecha­nics and indus­trial mecha­nics.  Also, we are glad that nine of our soon to be gra­dua­tes deci­ded to con­ti­nue their career paths with us. Exci­ting times await our gra­dua­tes after they hop­efully pas­sed their exami­na­ti­ons suc­cessfully 😉. We are alre­ady loo­king for­ward to our con­tin­ued col­la­bo­ra­tion in…

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