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New parking lot and planning of a technology and demonstration center

Recently, our employees have been able to enjoy a new par­king area. The reason for this is the long-term plan­ned con­s­truc­tion of a tech­no­logy and demons­tra­tion cen­ter. For this pur­pose, the old par­king lot had to make way to create enough space for the future tech­no­logy cen­ter. With the future new buil­ding we are able to pre­sent our latest machine deve­lo­p­ments to our cus­to­mers in the con­text of an in-house exhi­bi­tion. Due to the cur­rent eco­no­mic situa­tion, the exe­cu­tion of this plan­ning of the tech­no­logy cen­ter has been post­po­ned for…

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NILES-SIMMONS mechanic is German Futsal Champion

It is a sport that is not yet very well known in Ger­many, alt­hough it looks like nor­mal soc­cer to out­si­ders. We are tal­king about Fut­sal. A jump redu­ced ball, a hall, 4 field play­ers and 1 goa­lie are nee­ded to play this sport. Our col­le­ague Chris­to­pher Wit­tig, 24, mecha­nic, mas­ters this sport with his team the best in Ger­many. He has recently become Ger­man champion.

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HEGENSCHEIDT MFD: Increase of fatigue strength by deep rolling of large crankshafts up to 200%

Two in one – Incre­asing fati­gue strength and redu­cing TIR  of large cranks­hafts in one machine The rede­sign of the Deep Rol­ling and Roll Straigh­tening machine 7625 is now com­ple­ted and maxi­mum cranks­haft length up to 6000mm are now pos­si­ble. Take advan­tage of an effi­ci­ent, simple and eco­no­mical tech­no­logy that has been estab­lished in the auto­mo­tive car sec­tor for many years. Deep Rol­ling of main and pin bea­ring fil­lets increa­ses the fati­gue strength of cranks­hafts up to 200% and impro­ves sur­face hard­ness and rough­ness of the fil­let radii. Deep Rolling…

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HEGENSCHEIDT MFD: Longer lifetime for bearing rings due hard rolling

News from our sis­ter HEGENSCHEIDT from Erkel­enz Rol­ler bea­rings guide shafts and axles, for exam­ple in vehic­les, indus­trial plants or medi­cal tech­no­logy appli­ca­ti­ons. Usually such bea­rings run per­ma­nently under high loads. Mate­rial fati­gue and lubri­ca­tion defect are the­r­e­fore the main cau­ses of com­po­nent fail­ure. High per­for­mance rol­ler bea­rings can be manu­fac­tu­red with cera­mic ele­ments com­bi­ned with bea­ring steel. For the pro­duc­tion of bea­ring rings, the Fraun­ho­fer Insti­tute for Pro­duc­tion Tech­no­logy IPT Aachen suc­cessfully tes­ted hard rol­ling as a resource-saving alter­na­tive to exten­ding the con­ven­tio­nal pro­cess chain tog­e­ther with three project…

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With trust and transparency to safe machines

etz – Elek­tro­tech­nik & Auto­ma­tion repor­ted on the safety of our machi­nes. You can read the whole article below. Niles-Sim­mons MC series CNC turn-mill machi­ning cen­ters enable eco­no­mical, fle­xi­ble, pre­cise, and user-fri­endly com­plete machi­ning of large, rota­tio­nally sym­me­tri­cal work­pie­ces in one clam­ping. For the N20 MC, N30 MC, and N40 MC machi­ning cen­ters, the risk assess­ment, veri­fi­ca­tion, and docu­men­ta­tion has recently been revi­sed with the sup­port of Wie­land Electric’s safety experts. Machine safety is a mat­ter of trust in two respects. On the one hand, the ope­ra­tor trusts in the…

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Complete manufacturing of complex components: NILES-SIMMONS machine concept „CLOSED-DOOR-MACHINING“

NILES-SIMMONS deve­lo­ped the machi­ning con­cept “CLOSED-DOOR-MACHINING to meet the ever-incre­asing requi­re­ments con­cer­ning the manu­fac­tu­ring of com­plex, high-pre­cis­ion parts and com­pon­ents initi­ally for the avia­tion indus­try. This con­cept allows the com­plete machi­ning of parts in one con­ti­nuous pro­cess within one machine and wit­hout any ope­ra­tor inter­ven­ti­ons. It is appli­ca­ble for various part types which, his­to­ri­cally, had to be manu­fac­tu­red in seve­ral pro­cess steps on various dif­fe­rent machines.

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Recycling proceeds from test railway axles go to African employee project

We have alre­ady repor­ted in the past about the aid pro­ject for edu­ca­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment in Africa of our instal­la­tion mana­ger Jörg Leh­mann. In addi­tion to the sup­port of num­e­rous employees, we also par­ti­ci­pate as NILES-SIMMONS in this uni­que project.

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Thanks to all everyday heroes & employees

As many of you unfort­u­na­tely can curr­ently not visit our fac­tory per­so­nally – we still want to share with you the actual mes­sa­ges of our LED-Wel­come screen, that goes out to all cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and fri­ends of our com­pany: Thanks to all ever­y­day heroes & employees and Stay healthy! 

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Just in time at Easter – search image with our turning-milling centre N30MC

Just in time at Eas­ter and per­fect for the lunch break in the Home Office we have pre­pared a small search image for all puz­zler! Our inno­va­tive tur­ning-mil­ling centre N30MC con­fi­gu­ra­ted for the machi­ning con­cept »clo­sed-door-machi­ning« has slightly chan­ged in the second image. Do you find the 8 dif­fe­ren­ces?   Have fun sear­ching and enjoy your Eas­ter holi­days     The solu­tion you will find here.

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