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Running against cancer – 210km in 2.5 hours

They ran from our loca­tion in Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. Not in 45 hours as sug­gested by Google Maps, but in only 2.5 hours. Fur­ther­more Google did not take into account the very warm tem­pe­ra­ture of 35°C. This can only be achie­ved as a strong team.

22 run­ners from our staff ran a total of 524 laps in the run­ning against can­cer. This is equi­va­lent to about 210 km – once from Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. A super per­for­mance. The lea­der among the women was Silke Wei­zel, who ran a strong 16.4km with 41 laps in 2.5 hours. In the men’s race, René Sacher and Olaf Mül­ler ran an impres­sive 48 laps and thus 19.2km.

A very spe­cial thanks goes to the par­ti­ci­pants this year, whose num­ber (also due to the acti­va­ted family mem­bers) has increased stron­gly in the last two years. While in 2017 there were 7 run­ners (145 laps, 58km), the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants almost dou­bled in 2018 with 12 (240 laps, 96km) and in 2019 with 22 run­ners. Accor­ding to these sta­tis­tics we are loo­king for­ward to an active par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the coming year.

Many thanks also to the organisers!


Photo gallery of running against cancer
