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Tool & Die
for more precision.

Our know-how in the pro­duc­tion of com­plex com­pon­ents is also demons­tra­ted by the deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­ture of high-pre­cis­ion ver­ti­cal 5‑axis mil­ling cen­tres for tool and die industry.

Through con­fi­gura­ble opti­ons packa­ges and cus­to­mi­zed auto­ma­tion and tech­no­logy solu­ti­ons, the machi­nes for tool and die ensure the indi­vi­dual com­pe­ti­tive advan­tage of our cus­to­mers. Thanks to the newly deve­lo­ped addi­tio­nally tur­ning func­tion­a­lity, the range of appli­ca­tion for fle­xi­ble com­plete machi­ning is con­sider­a­bly exten­ded. A very wide range of work­pie­ces can also be machi­ned with a maxi­mum work­piece dia­me­ter of 1500mm.

Some examples of workpieces

We deve­lop machi­nes for your indi­vi­dual and com­plex work­pie­ces. Here you can see three typi­cal examp­les of work­pie­ces for this branch.

Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Propeller / Complete machining of workpiece: Propeller


Komplettbearbeitung von Werkstück: Spritzgussform / Complete machining of workpiece: Injection mould

Injection mould


Bevel Gear

If you have any questions, please contact us


Sales Depart­ment
+ 49 371 802 – 333
