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Visit of the VDMA

  • News

Yes­ter­day, we wel­co­med the mem­bers of VMDA Ost to our Chem­nitz site NILES-SIMMONS full of joyful expectations.

The working group of pro­duc­tion and plant mana­gers takes place twice a year at alter­na­ting locations.

Inte­res­t­ing input was exch­an­ged within the group on the key topics of »Recrui­ting the next gene­ra­tion of Gene­ra­tion Z« and »AI: just a gim­mick or increased productivity?«.

Our guests also had the oppor­tu­nity to take a look behind the sce­nes and into our pro­duc­tion halls.

We are deligh­ted to have such a strong network!



