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Code of Conduct

of com­pa­nies in the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group

The NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT GmbH (NSH) is the mana­ging hol­ding com­pany in the NSH group. The
prin­ci­ples descri­bed here apply to all the com­pa­nies in our group. Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion can be found on
your own company’s own in-for­ma­tion plattform.

All employees in the NSH group are respon­si­ble for fami­lia­ri­zing them­sel­ves with and abi­ding by the
prin­ci­ples of this Code of Con­duct. This is the only way to gua­ran­tee that we can all meet the high standards
we set for ourselves.

Should you have ques­ti­ons, do not hesi­tate to cont­act your super­vi­sor or the Human Resource department.
This Code of Con­duct goes fur­ther than just fol­lo­wing rules and regu­la­ti­ons. The Code expres­ses our
com­mit­ment to con­duc­ting our busi­ness in a morally and ethi­cal-ly sound way, with inte­grity and respect for
the rights of others. These prin­ci­ples rep-resent sus­tainable suc­cess in an ever-chan­ging world.

I thank all employee for their per­so­nal con­tri­bu­tion to allo­wing our com­pa­nies to fulfi ll the obli­ga­ti­ons we
impose on our­sel­ves through this Code of Con­duct every day. In this way, we pro­tect our ster­ling reputation –
one of the most valuable things, along-side qua­lity and relia­bi­lity, that we must pre­serve the busi­ness world.

Prof. e.h. Dr.-Ing. e.h. Hans J. Naumann
Busi­ness mana­ger & CEO

Business people having a business meeting. Happy diverse business team young and old workers talking brainstorming on project in office

Individual Responsibility

The top prio­rity for all of us is the individual’s respon­si­bi­lity for the suc­cess and con­tin­ued exis­tence of both the com­pany and the group.

We are all mem­bers of the NSH group. Mutual respect, sup­port at work, and careful use of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, machi­nes, equip­ment, and the work envi­ron­ment as a whole safe­guard the suc­cess of our work. Every employee is also expec­ted to exhi­bit re-spon­si­ble use of con­fi­den­tial infor­ma­tion, to fol­low rules and regu­la­ti­ons, and to main­tain ethi­cal and moral principles.

In sum, this means that we:
• carefully handle and use the goods and com­mo­di­ties ent­rus­ted to us,
• make pro­fes­sio­nal use of the means of communication,
• main­tain neces­sary confidentiality,
• respect the rights of third parties,
• respect and abide by the rules and, above all, pre­vent money laun­de­ring and bribery,
• gain our busi­ness part­ners’ trust through our credibility.


We demons­trate indi­vi­dual respon­si­bi­lity in the choice of our busi­ness partners.

The mode and man­ner by which we con­duct our busi­ness tran­sac­tions and how we handle or com­mu­ni­cate with our part­ners deter­mine the image and suc­cess of our group. That’s why we regard our com­mer­cial agents and con­sul­tants as part­ners. We see our busi­ness part­ners as com­pa­nies like ours, and we treat our sup­pli­ers, sub-con­trac­tors and the other busi­ness part­ners in a fair and equi­ta­ble way.

Our busi­ness cont­acts with cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers and, above all, public sec­tor part­ners meet our ethi­cal and moral standards.

The com­pa­nies in our group are in con­stant cont­act with our cus­to­mers world­wide, among them cus­to­mers from the public sec­tor, sup­pli­ers and media cont­acts and con­se­quently their stakeholders.
For this reason, any coope­ra­tion must be done cor­rectly accor­ding to our Code of Conduct.



Our good repu­ta­tion is one of the most essen­tial con­di­ti­ons on which our group’s suc­cess is based. In addi­tion to our spi­rit of inno­va­tion and our pro­ducts’ relia­bi­lity, our inte­grity forms the foun­da­tion of that repu­ta­tion. For this reason, we do ever­y­thing we can to bols­ter our repu­ta­tion with every busi­ness part­ner every day.

As a conse-quence:
• we take a dim view of gifts and cour­te­sies that exceed token recognition,
• bri­bary has no part of our group,
• we con­stantly strive for inno­va­tion and reliability,
• we safe­guard the qua­lity of our products,
• we build trust based on per­for­mance and Punctuality.

business and education concept - group of happy people applauding at international conference


We ack­now­ledge our employees’ actions that lead to our success.

The NSH group includes peo­ple of diverse natio­na­li­ties, with diff ering mind­sets and views and a variety of cul­tu­ral and reli­gious back­grounds. We respect the con­tri­bu­tion of each indi­vi­dual and regard this diver­sity as an important con­tri­bu­tion to cor­po­rate suc­cess. Fol­lo­wing our belief in inte­grity and cour­tesy, respectful inter­ac­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion are also valued by our busi­ness partners:

• we are open and fair in mutual inter­ac­tions and communication,
• we respect privacy,
• we are open to diversity.

We reco­gnize our social responsibilities.

In the NSH group, we main­tain the prin­ci­ple of taking respon­si­bi­lity for the com­mu­nity. Consequently:

• we are active mem­bers of our organizations/ communities,
• we pro­mote the sus­taina­bi­lity of our work,
• we take action for envi­ron­men­tal protection.
We moti­vate our employees of our group to engage in public life, ther­eby con­tri­bu­ting to gene­ral reco­gni­tion of our Code of Conduct.
