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Closed Door machined christmas gifts

  • News

Santa Claus has upgraded his Secret Santa work­shop! To make sure that all the dif­fe­rent wis­hes are ful­fil­led wit­hout errors and on time until Christ­mas, he now pro­du­ces all gifts clo­sed-door on one of our uni­ver­sal machi­ning cen­ters 😉 … and he is abso­lut­ely thril­led about his new equip­ment as you can see.

Kno­wing that not­hing should stand in the way of a great Christ­mas, the NSH Group and all its sub­si­dia­ries wish all employees, cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and their fami­lies a healthy and magi­cal Christ­mas and a good start into a pro­spe­rous year 2022.

PS: If the Christ­mas spi­rit is still a wai­ting game for you, make sure you turn the sound on! 

