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Donations for the Congo – Hujambo Habari

Today we would like to use our web­site to report on a pro­ject close to the heart of our employee Jörg Leh­mann (Head of Assembly).

Most recently, in March 2024, Jörg was repea­tedly on the road in the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Congo on behalf of the non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­ons PEPA e.V. and Hujambo Habari – Schul­pro­jekt Ost­afrika e.V., more pre­cis­ely in the pro­vin­ces of North Kivu and South Kivu, to dis­tri­bute new dona­ti­ons in the war-torn regions.

PEPA and Hujambo Habari are smal­ler cha­ri­ta­ble asso­cia­ti­ons that pro­vide sup­port with inde­pen­dent but also joint pro­jects in the DR Congo. The pri­mary objec­ti­ves of the part­ner­ship include direct sup­port for local social and edu­ca­tio­nal work in con­junc­tion with the deve­lo­p­ment of com­mu­nity net­works and struc­tures. All pro­jects depend on the vol­un­t­ary and pri­vate initia­tive of sup­port­ers and contributors.

In addi­tion to the many vol­un­teers, thanks also go to Tim Hens­lee (Engi­nee­ring Mana­ger) from Hendrick­son USA.

The US-based com­pany has alre­ady purcha­sed over 20 lar­ger machi­nes from NILES-SIMMONS on which axles are pro­du­ced. After suc­cessful accep­tance of the machi­nes, the axles pro­du­ced on them (approx. 50 units) are scrap­ped. The resul­ting funds are dona­ted to the Hujambo Habari aid pro­ject. In the mean­time, over 5,000 euros have been rai­sed. This has alre­ady been used to finance the trans­por­ta­tion of 200 sewing machi­nes, tools and medi­ci­nes. The money has also been used to trans­port the LO Truck to Africa.

Fur­ther insights can also be found on Jörg’s You­Tube chan­nel @jorglehmann301.

The asso­cia­ti­ons and local peo­ple are very happy to receive dona­ti­ons in kind and money. We are happy to for­ward fur­ther infor­ma­tion and the details of the dona­tion account.



