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NILES-SIMMONS-Industrieanlagen with focus on aviation and aerospace

Aerospace requirements

  • Energy-effi­ci­ent & low-noise air­craft engines
  • Deve­lo­p­ment & pro­duc­tion of com­plex work­pie­ces from high-strength materials
  • Hig­hest accu­racy requirements

Complete machining of the following workpieces

  • Tur­bine shaft
  • Tur­bine disc
  • Inner blade disc
  • Rotor
  • Landing gear
  • Bogie beam
  • Main gear
  • Inner cylin­der

Technology for the aerospace industry

  • Deve­lo­p­ment of a com­ple­tely new gene­ra­tion of machi­ning cen­tres with an inter­na­tio­nal lea­ding sup­plier of jet engi­nes: »New Gene­ra­tion Lathe«.
  • Multi-tas­king machine for diverse tech­no­lo­gies & appli­ca­ti­ons such as tur­ning, mil­ling, dril­ling, grin­ding & mea­su­ring into one machine
  • N30 MC is optio­nally equip­ped with one or two mil­ling towers
  • Inde­pen­dent loa­ding of the mil­ling towers through fully auto­ma­tic tool change
  • Machine is available with tool maga­zine on both sides (288 tools in total, 144 per maga­zine side)
  • Exten­sive tech­no­logy spec­trum gua­ran­tees unin­ter­rupted machi­ning in a clo­sed manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess (clo­sed door machining)
  • The use of a Hydro­pol incli­ned bed pro­vi­des signi­fi­cantly bet­ter ther­mal sta­bi­lity & supe­rior dam­ping pro­per­ties in con­trast to con­ven­tio­nal cast beds

CNC-Turning and Milling Center N30 MC

CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum N30 MC

Turbine shaft

  • Mixing gui­des in the entire series are a com­bi­na­tion of high-pre­cis­ion linear gui­des with dam­ping areas of con­ven­tio­nal sli­ding guides.
  • Work­piece trans­fer from main spindle to coun­ter spindle allows com­plete finis­hing of com­plex work­pie­ces on both sides & redu­ces total machi­ning time on a minimum
  • Inte­gra­ted & fully auto­ma­tic grin­ding pro­cess incl. high-pre­cis­ion dressing
  • Mea­su­re­ment of all tools &workpieces through mea­su­ring pro­bes or laser (Renis­haw) directly in the working area.
  • Inte­gra­ted »Renis­haw Sprint« mea­su­ring sys­tem enables the user to con­ti­nuously repro­duce mea­su­re­ment results with a repe­ti­tive accu­racy in the µ‑range
  • Machi­ning of highly com­plex work­pie­ces of the new gene­ra­tion with a com­plete part pre­cis­ion up to +/- 2 µm, within a clo­sed manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess wit­hout ope­ra­tor intervention.
  • Pro­cess moni­to­ring during the whole pro­ces­sing in order to detect imme­dia­tely pos­si­ble deviations
  • Anti-col­li­sion sys­tem (short: PCS Pro­tec­tion Con­trol Sys­tem) to avoid a col­li­sion while instal­ling the machine & during the machi­ning pro­cess (manual/automatic mode)
  • Machi­ning cen­ters of the MC series are among the most modern of their kind worldwide.

With this product family, NILES-SIMMONS has developed into one of the most competent technology providers for the machining of engine components for the aerospace industry. As well as the aerospace industry, the customer-specific and high-precision machines of the MC series are used in a wide variety of industries such as the oil and gas industry and mechanical engineering.

Contact request & coupon code for free entry

If you would like to cont­act us before the trade show and would like to make an appoint­ment at our stand, then please send an email to marketing.nsi[at]nshgroup[dot]com.

With this e‑mail address you will also receive a vou­cher code for free entry to EMO.

Complete machining of the high-pressure turbine discs
