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It is a sport that is not yet very well known in Ger­many, alt­hough it looks like nor­mal soc­cer to out­si­ders. We are tal­king about Fut­sal. A jump redu­ced ball, a hall, 4 field play­ers and 1 goa­lie are nee­ded to play this sport. Our col­le­ague Chris­to­pher Wit­tig, 24, mecha­nic, mas­ters this sport with his team the best in Ger­many. He has recently become Ger­man champion.




He star­ted his career with nor­mal soc­cer at the Vfl 05 Hohen­stein-Ernst­thal e.V. Shortly after­wards, the Chem­nitz soc­cer club, where he was trai­ned up to A‑youth level, became aware of him. Alre­ady during this time, our mecha­nic had pre­fer­red to play fut­sal indoors during the win­ter breaks rather than just go run­ning outside.

After his decline to Vfl 05 Hohen­stein-Ernst­thal, the first leagues around Fut­sal were intro­du­ced and Wit­tig made a quick decis­ion: This is his pas­sion. »Fut­sal is sim­ply more fun because you have to make quick decis­i­ons in a small space and the game its­elf is much fas­ter. Even though I’m tall, I’ve never liked these wide and high balls in ’nor­mal」 soc­cer. Espe­ci­ally when it came to the hea­der, I or my oppo­nent usually had a lot of bruises.«



In 2018, he and his club will be Ger­man cham­pi­ons for the first time and take part in the Cham­pi­ons League. No won­der that the natio­nal team will then also take notice of him. Just one year later he tra­vels with the natio­nal team to Por­tu­gal for the main round of the World Cup qua­li­fi­ca­tion in fut­sal and finis­hes 4th. In addi­tion to his alre­ady steep career, he will become cap­tain of the Ger­man natio­nal team in 2020.

»I am glad that I am working for NILES-SIMMONS in a com­pany where I was alre­ady stron­gly sup­ported during my app­ren­ti­ce­ship to be able to pur­sue my sport«. After all, three times a week there is club trai­ning, once indi­vi­dual fit­ness trai­ning and once a month trai­ning cour­ses for the natio­nal team las­ting seve­ral days.




For the coming years, the declared goal is to par­ti­ci­pate again in the Cham­pi­ons League, to take part in the Euro­pean Cham­pi­on­ship Elite Round and to qua­lify for the first Bun­des­liga sea­son 2021/2022.

For this goal we wish Chris­to­pher and his team maxi­mum suc­cess and are proud to have such an employee with us.

