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Automatized wheelset machining for metro companies

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Wheelsets of railway vehicles are exposed to constant wear during operation. This is checked regularly; the respective maintenance measures for the wheelsets are usually executed at regular intervals.

A fur­ther opti­mi­sa­tion of main­ten­ance pro­longs the run­ning times of the wheel­sets and also redu­ces the costs for the ope­ra­tors. For the ana­ly­sis of wear fac­tors, it is neces­sary to trace the history of wheel­sets throug­hout their ser­vice life accor­ding to their cha­rac­te­ristic data. These ana­ly­ses pro­vide the basis for iden­ti­fy­ing and tap­ping pre­viously unu­sed poten­tial in the main­ten­ance of wheel­sets. With the ARGUS II® wheel­set dia­gno­sis sys­tem and the U2000-150 under­floor wheel­set lathe, from our NSH sub­si­diary Hegen­scheidt-MFD GmbH, is available a com­plete wheel­set manage­ment tool.


Wheel­set manage­ment sys­tem for metro com­pa­nies; Gra­phics: Hegen­scheidt-MFD GmbH


The main­ten­ance rele­vant data of the wheel­sets such as con­cen­tri­city, pro­file, dia­me­ter and inci­pent cracks are mea­su­red with auto­ma­tic mea­suing sys­tems, which are instal­led sta­tio­nary in the track. These pro­vide inter­me­diate values that log the wear in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order. The geo­me­try of the wheel­set is mea­su­red before and after re-pro­fil­ing on the wheel­set pro­ces­sing machi­nes. Thus, infor­ma­tion about the run­way and the new con­di­tion of the wheels is pro­vi­ded and the results are protocolled.

Data Manage­ment and Cus­to­mer Benefits

The cen­tral admi­nis­tra­tion is loca­ted in a data­base sys­tem that mana­ges, among other things, all mas­ter data and model series as well as the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of the trains within the entire fleet and has inter­faces to the mea­su­ring, test­ing and pro­ces­sing sta­ti­ons. Based on the mea­su­red values, the actual wear of the wheel­sets can be ana­ly­zed, the expec­ted mileage and the wear limit infrac­tions can be pre­dic­ted as well as  a main­ten­ance plan can be pro­vi­ded for the entire life cycle of a wheel­set. The reports are shown in tabu­lar und gra­phi­cal form and key figure reports are gene­ra­ted for decis­ion-makers, which con­tain all rele­vant per­for­mance indi­ca­tors. In addi­tion, the so-cal­led »bad guy« lists are kept for over­si­zed wear patterns.

The sys­tem leads to con­sidera­ble cost savings through opti­mi­zed wheel­set main­ten­ance plans and thus impro­ves fleet availability.


If you have any ques­ti­ons on this topic, please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us at any time:


Thank you very much.
