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How to achieve the most out of six years professional learning

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Just within the exact week of his 6‑year com­pany anni­ver­sary, Lukas Hei­ni­cke has alre­ady acqui­red two degrees and gai­ned a whole lot of pro­fes­sio­nal experience.

Initi­ally, he under­went voca­tio­nal trai­ning to be a cer­ti­fied mecha­tro­nics tech­ni­cian. At the same time, he recei­ved theo­re­ti­cal voca­tio­nal trai­ning in Zittau/ Gör­litz Uni­ver­sity of applied sciences.

Within the dual study pro­gramme he has now finis­hed his stu­dies to be a Diplom-engi­neer for auto­ma­tion and mecha­tro­nics very successfully.

During the last months, he worked on his final the­sis with the rese­arch sub­ject ‘Func­tion-ori­en­ted modu­la­ri­sa­tion of the PLC pro­gramme struc­ture of a machine tool’

On this basis, we can improve the struc­ture of our PLC pro­grams in future machi­nes towards uni­for­mity and reusability.

During his time at the com­pany, he par­ti­cu­larly liked the exci­ting tasks and the hel­pful, infor­mal working atmo­sphere at NILES.

After he suc­cessfully finis­hed his trai­ning, we are plea­sed that he will stay with us and fur­ther streng­then our team in the soft­ware area.
