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We congratulate on the completion of the cooperative engineering training

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We would like to con­gra­tu­late Maxi Klaus­nit­zer and Fer­hat Macar on the suc­cessful com­ple­tion of their coope­ra­tive engi­nee­ring trai­ning in our company.

Maxi Klaus­nit­zer is now working in the work pre­pa­ra­tion depart­ment (pro­duc­tion plan­ning and con­trol) after finis­hing her final thesis.

»During my trai­ning I gai­ned a very good insight into the various pro­ces­ses and I enjoyed working on my pro­ject tog­e­ther with my super­vi­sors. The topic was the fine con­cep­tion and pilot intro­duc­tion of a tool manage­ment sys­tem, which is to be intro­du­ced in the fore­seeable future«.

Fer­hat Macar is taken over in the pro­duc­tion design of aggre­ga­tes and spind­les at NILES-SIMMONS.

»In my final the­sis I deve­lo­ped an auto­ma­tic loa­ding and unloa­ding sys­tem for heavy tools to create a high level of ergo­no­mics at the work­place on site. I would also like to thank my super­vi­sors again, who have been very sup­port­ive and always found time to ans­wer my questions«.

We wish you a good start in your pro­fes­sio­nal life and are loo­king for­ward to our future cooperation.


from left: Mat­thias Gro­ßer, Fer­hat Macar, Maxi Klaus­nit­zer, Ronny Einhorn


Proud car­ri­ers of our cloth back­pack for gra­dua­tes with the inscrip­tion »Bin schon ver­ge­ben an NILES« (Alre­ady assi­gned to NILES)
