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Chemnitz becomes European Capital of Culture 2025

  • News

With the decis­ion for Chem­nitz, a four-year appli­ca­tion pro­cess ends and Chem­nitz has won with a uni­que bid book (book of application).

We con­gra­tu­late to this result and we are glad that the bid book has the focus on the »hid­den cham­pi­ons« of the Chem­nitz cul­tu­ral and indus­trial region, which includes NILES-SIMMONS as a sub­si­diary of the renow­ned NSH Machine Tool Group.

The eco­no­mic sti­mu­lus package also includes many other regi­ons in Europe, which is a strong state­ment for a cos­mo­po­li­tan com­mu­nity across natio­nal borders.

We would like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank our employees as well as sup­pli­ers and part­ners in the region for their great sup­port over the past years. It is only thanks to their joint efforts that Chem­nitz is now so far ahead and that it will not only receive a posi­tive boost as a capi­tal of cul­ture, but will also gain in importance as an attrac­tive indus­trial city and centre of life.

