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25th anniversary of NILES-SIMMONS

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Welcoming of the guests to the 25th anniversary by the CEO Prof. Dr. Hans J. Naumann
Wel­co­ming of the guests to the 25th anni­ver­sary by the CEO Prof. Dr. Hans J. Naumann

On 15 and 16 Sep­tem­ber, the Machine Tool Manu­fac­tu­rer NILES-SIMMONS com­me­mo­ra­ted its 25th anni­ver­sary with a cerem­ony. Around 200 invi­ted guests from poli­tics, busi­ness and cul­ture were gree­ted at the company’s head­quar­ters on Fri­day at the Zwi­ckauer Street . Under the motto »25 years of NILES – a suc­cess story«, the guests awai­ted a varied jour­ney across the time through the impres­sive history of the company.

The key spea­k­ers such as the Prime Minis­ter of the Free State of Sax­ony Sta­nis­lav Til­lich, the Ambassa­dor of the Rus­sian Fede­ra­tion Vla­di­mir Michai­lo­vitsch Gri­nin, the Lord Mayor of Chem­nitz Bar­bara Lud­wig, the Pre­si­dent of the Fraun­ho­fer Gesell­schaft Prof. Dr. Rei­mund Neu­ge­bauer and the for­mer VW Exe­cu­tive Board Prof. Carl Hahn ack­now­led­ged the deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pany from dif­fe­rent perspectives.



