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NILES-SIMMONS delivers further crankshaft production line to BBAC

Inau­gu­ra­tion of the Step2 BBAC engine plant in Bei­jing by Mr. Liu Xixin and Dr. Mar­kus Kei­cher (Gene­ral Mana­ger BBAC Engine Plant)

The Bei­jing Benz Auto­mo­tive Corp. (BBAC) offi­ci­ally ope­ned the Step2 of its engine pro­duc­tion plant in Bei­jing on July 9, 2015. At the inau­gu­ra­tion par­ti­ci­pa­tes also repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of NILES-SIMMONS as sup­pli­ers of the cranks­haft lines instal­led in the plant.

The Bei­jing Benz Auto­mo­tive Corp. (BBAC) offi­ci­ally ope­ned the Step2 of its engine pro­duc­tion plant in Bei­jing on July 9, 2015. At the inau­gu­ra­tion also repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of NILES-SIMMONS par­ti­ci­pa­ted as sup­pli­ers of the cranks­haft lines instal­led in the plant. With the inau­gu­ra­tion the second Fle­xi­ble Cranks­haft Line M270/M274, which was sup­plied and instal­led by NILES-SIMMONS as gene­ral con­trac­tor, was accepted and han­ded over to pro­duc­tion. The first line was suc­cessfully trans­fer­red to pro­duc­tion in 2013.

Plant mana­gers Mr. Liu Xixin and Dr. Mar­kus Kei­cher under­li­ned the importance of the pro­ject for Daim­ler-Benz in China during the event at the 4th anni­ver­sary of the engine plant’s ground-brea­king. It was reve­a­led that, for the first time out­side Europe, a highly fle­xi­ble engine plant was built on time and within bud­get, pro­vi­ding 20,000 engi­nes per month of the hig­hest Daim­ler qua­lity for the boo­ming Chi­nese Market.ceremony.

It was reve­a­led that, for the first time out­side Europe, a highly fle­xi­ble engine plant was built on time and within bud­get, pro­vi­ding 20,000 engi­nes per month of the hig­hest Daim­ler qua­lity for the boo­ming Chi­nese Market.
