After Corona: Chinese factory able to produce again
While we are at the beginning to take measures in Germany to contain the corona virus, China is already on the road to recovery. Once the factory of the NSH-Subsidiary at Nanchang (NSH-CTI) had to close for a few weeks after the New Year celebrations, the company is now almost 100% ready to produce again. It has been made possible through consistent implementation of the established rules in connection with skilful crisis management.
We are delighted, that the Chinese colleagues are returning to a little more normality and we are optimistic that the measures, which have been implemented for Germany, will have an effect in the forseeable future.
You can read here which measure have been taken in our Chemnitz location.
In this sense, we wish all colleagues of the NSH Group, all customers, business partners and of course all affected people the best health and a quick recovery.
Current pictures from the Nanchang factory (24.03.2020).