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After Corona: Chinese factory able to produce again

While we are at the begin­ning to take mea­su­res in Ger­many to con­tain the corona virus, China is alre­ady on the road to reco­very. Once the fac­tory of the NSH-Sub­si­diary at Nan­chang (NSH-CTI) had to close for a few weeks after the New Year cele­bra­ti­ons, the com­pany is now almost 100% ready to pro­duce again. It has been made pos­si­ble through con­sis­tent imple­men­ta­tion of the estab­lished rules in con­nec­tion with skilful cri­sis management.

We are deligh­ted, that the Chi­nese col­le­agues are retur­ning to a little more nor­ma­lity and we are opti­mi­stic that the mea­su­res, which have been imple­men­ted for Ger­many, will have an effect in the for­seeable future.

You can read here which mea­sure have been taken in our Chem­nitz loca­tion.

In this sense, we wish all col­le­agues of the NSH Group, all cus­to­mers, busi­ness part­ners and of course all affec­ted peo­ple the best health and a quick recovery.

Cur­rent pic­tures from the Nan­chang fac­tory (24.03.2020).
