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Welcome to the AMB in Stuttgart | 13. – 17.09.2022 | Hall 4, Booth A13

  • News

After a long absence from the trade fair due to the pan­de­mic, we are retur­ning this year to the pro­ven and estab­lished mee­ting place for the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring indus­try and are plea­sed to be pre­sent at this year’s AMB in Stutt­gart from Sep­tem­ber 13 – 17 and to once again be able to talk per­so­nally with our cus­to­mers and inte­res­ted par­ties on site.

We cor­di­ally invite you to visit us at our booth in hall 4, booth A13 and to exch­ange infor­ma­tion about new pro­jects and news in our pro­duct port­fo­lio. As part of this year’s pre­sence of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group, we will com­pre­hen­si­vely pre­sent the diverse machine and tech­no­logy port­fo­lio of the Group – start­ing with our ver­ti­cal and hori­zon­tal solu­ti­ons for tur­ning and mil­ling, through our mul­ti­func­tional machi­ning and pro­duc­tion cen­ters to grin­ding and rol­ling machi­nes as well as auto­ma­tion solutions.
The focus of this year’s pre­sence will be on our spe­ci­fic indus­try solu­ti­ons for the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, auto­mo­tive and aero­space sectors.

In the three areas, we will use refe­rence work­pie­ces and addi­tio­nal digi­tal con­tent to pre­sent our exper­tise and solu­ti­ons for the various and indus­try-spe­ci­fic work­piece spectrums.

Exem­plary are:

- Our new machi­ning con­cept for simul­ta­neous machi­ning of sta­tor housings for e‑mobility, as well as the new tech­no­logy of hard mil­ling for large truck cranks­hafts in the auto­mo­tive sector.

- Our solu­ti­ons for clo­sed-door machi­ning of engine and chas­sis com­pon­ents in the avia­tion sector

- Our pro­cess chain for the effi­ci­ent pro­duc­tion of poly­go­nal shapes such as tool inter­faces or shaft-hub con­nec­tions using an effi­ci­ent poly­gon tur­ning and down­stream grin­ding pro­cess for both the auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring sectors

- Our solu­ti­ons for the com­plete machi­ning of com­plex com­pon­ents and high-strength mate­ri­als using the exam­ple of parts for the oil & gas indus­try (Inco­nel), among other things with a focus on the inter­nal machi­ning of com­plex com­pon­ents with intel­li­gent spe­cial bor­ing bars

In addi­tion, we will pre­sent our com­pre­hen­sive digi­tal solu­ti­ons over the entire life cycle of your machine – start­ing with pro­cess simu­la­tion during the pro­ject plan­ning phase, vir­tual com­mis­sio­ning of machi­nes and sys­tems, work­shop-ori­en­ted pro­gramming inter­faces, con­di­tion moni­to­ring during the entire machine life, digi­tal fin­ger prin­ting or remote ser­vices using vir­tual rea­lity in the event of service.

Do you alre­ady have an indi­vi­dual appoint­ment request? We would be happy to make an appoint­ment with you now and pro­vide you with your per­so­nal admis­sion code so that you can make your visit to the trade fair as rela­xed and effi­ci­ent as pos­si­ble. Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us!

We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you per­so­nally in Sep­tem­ber and remain.

With fri­endly and anti­ci­pa­tory greetings
Your Sales Team



Sales Depart­ment
+ 49 371 802 – 333
