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Donations for the Congo – Hujambo Habari

Today we would like to use our web­site to report on a pro­ject close to the heart of our employee Jörg Leh­mann (Head of Assem­bly). Most recently, in March 2024, Jörg was repea­tedly on the road in the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Congo on behalf of the non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­ons PEPA e.V. and Hujambo Habari – Schul­pro­jekt Ost­afrika e.V., more pre­cis­ely in the pro­vin­ces of North Kivu and South Kivu, to dis­tri­bute new dona­ti­ons in the war-torn regi­ons. PEPA and Hujambo Habari are smal­ler cha­ri­ta­ble asso­cia­ti­ons that pro­vide sup­port with inde­pen­dent but…

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Visit of the VDMA

Yes­ter­day, we wel­co­med the mem­bers of VMDA Ost to our Chem­nitz site NILES-SIMMONS full of joyful expec­ta­ti­ons. The working group of pro­duc­tion and plant mana­gers takes place twice a year at alter­na­ting loca­ti­ons. Inte­res­t­ing input was exch­an­ged within the group on the key topics of »Recrui­ting the next gene­ra­tion of Gene­ra­tion Z« and »AI: just a gim­mick or increased pro­duc­ti­vity?«. Our guests also had the oppor­tu­nity to take a look behind the sce­nes and into our pro­duc­tion halls. We are deligh­ted to have such a strong network! 

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MACH 2024 in Birmingham

Only 2 weeks to go till the next big event in our calen­ders – MACH 2024 exhi­bi­tion is coming up and we are more than exci­ted to meet our cus­to­mers and part­ners per­so­nally and chat about new pro­jects, mate­ri­als, parts and solu­ti­ons. Our sales team tog­e­ther with the col­le­agues of our part­ner McDo­well Machi­ning Tech­no­lo­gies look for­ward to see you all! Come and join us at NEC Bir­ming­ham hall 18, Stand 129 from 15 ‑19th April 2024! 

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Visit from the machine tool manufacturing elite of tomorrow

We are exic­ted and thank­ful that once again, we had the chance to wel­come the machine tool manu­fac­tu­ring elite of tomor­row at our faci­li­ties in Chem­nitz. Many thanks to the stu­dents from the Hoch­schule Mittweida(University of applied Sci­en­ces in Mitt­weida) for making their way to Chem­nitz to get some insights behind the sce­nes of our brand NILES-SIMMONS and many thanks to Prof.Uwe Mahn for the orga­niza­tion of this excur­sion and the trust in our com­pany. We are loo­king for­ward to see­ing some faces again soon! 

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We wish you a happy new year!

We would like to thank all our cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers and part­ners for a great year 2023 and wish you all a happy new year and a good start in 2024! Once again this year, we have num­e­rous new tech­no­lo­gies and pro­ducts on the agenda. We will be pre­sen­ting these via the fami­liar chan­nels (web­site, Lin­ke­dIn, Insta­gram, You­Tube) and, of course, at the trade fairs.

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Hujambo Habari – Sewing machines for the Congo

130 sewing machi­nes, end­less tools, school sup­plies and medi­cine will soon make their jour­ney to the DR Congo. Our col­le­ague Jörg star­ted the pro­ject »Hujambo Habari – School Pro­ject East Africa« tog­e­ther with his wife many years ago and sup­ports school and edu­ca­tion work in the region tog­e­ther with local part­ners. Every year, hundreds of mate­ri­als are thus sent from Chem­nitz to the DR Congo to sup­port capa­city buil­ding. Many thanks to Jörg and all col­le­agues who sup­port this pro­ject. Your are amazing!

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Complete machining of piston rods

The machine high­lights of the turn mill machi­ning cen­ter  N30MC for our valued and long-stan­ding cus­to­mer Lieb­herr Com­pon­ents con­sist of: – Com­plete machi­ning of pis­ton rods – Two-slide machi­ning – Simul­ta­neous machi­ning The tech­no­logy high­light is a hydro­sta­tic work­piece sup­port – safe, cont­act­less, vibra­tion eli­mi­na­ting. Enjoy! 

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EMO Hannover 2023 – Thank you for visiting!

From 18.09.23 to 23.09.23 the EMO trade fair took place again in Han­no­ver. Bes­i­des a machi­ning cen­ter of the brand NILES-SIMMONS and a ver­ti­cal tur­ning cen­ter of the brand RASOMA, we pre­sen­ted our new digi­tal high­light iron­MIND©. With our in-house deve­lo­ped con­di­tion moni­to­ring sys­tem you keep an over­view of all machi­nes with the help of a simple and clear ope­ra­tion.   The feed­back from our visi­tors and cus­to­mers about the booth, the machi­nes, tech­no­lo­gies and our high­light iron­Mind is ins­ane. Many thanks for that! For those who can­not visit us,…

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We proudly present: ironMind – Know your Machine

 We proudly pre­sent: iron­MIND – Know your Machine   inhouse deve­lo­ped soft­ware and ser­vice tool moni­tor your machine(s) clear and con­cise pre­sen­ta­tion of all data Get a head start and the neces­sary safety for your pro­duc­tion with iron­MIND More Infor­ma­tion at the EMO in Han­no­ver (Hall 13, Booth B02) Stay tuned! 

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