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Charity soccer tournament »Chemnitzer Firmen-Cup«

Our com­pany team had a par­ti­cu­larly chal­len­ging time at this year’s cha­rity foot­ball tour­na­ment »Chem­nit­zer Fir­men-Cup«. Many strong teams were assi­gned to Group C, inclu­ding both teams that won first place (SODECIA Power­train Oels­nitz GmbH) and second place (Aumann Lim­bach-Ober­frohna GmbH), as well as last year’s tour­na­ment win­ner (HTM Här­te­tech­nik und Metall­be­ar­bei­tung GmbH). In the first game our team expe­ri­en­ced the hig­hest defeat with 0:5 against Aumann. A second loss was suf­fe­red against the later tour­na­ment win­ner SODECIA with 0:2, but no more games were lost in the group phase:…

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Running against cancer – 210km in 2.5 hours

They ran from our loca­tion in Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. Not in 45 hours as sug­gested by Google Maps, but in only 2.5 hours. Fur­ther­more Google did not take into account the very warm tem­pe­ra­ture of 35°C. This can only be achie­ved as a strong team. 22 run­ners from our staff ran a total of 524 laps in the run­ning against can­cer. This is equi­va­lent to about 210 km – once from Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. A super per­for­mance. The lea­der among the women was Silke Wei­zel, who ran a strong 16.4km…

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We congratulate on 100 years of RASOMA – A success story of the courage to rise up again.

About 100 invi­ted guests, inclu­ding Prime Minis­ter Michael Kret­schmer, NSH share­hol­der and Chair­man of the Board Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans J. Nau­mann and the Mayor of the City Döbeln Hans-Joa­chim Ege­rer, accepted the invi­ta­tion to the 100th anni­ver­sary of RASOMA Machine Tools GmbH – which was for good reason. RASOMA not only cele­bra­ted an anni­ver­sary, but also its history of cou­rage to rise again, even after serious set­backs. We take this as an oppor­tu­nity and take a look at their history. This beg­ins with Johan­nes Lie­bert and Arthur Gür­t­ler. On…

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Metall­o­o­bra­botka is one of the most important inter­na­tio­nal trade fairs for the machine tool and metal­wor­king indus­try. With the hol­ding com­pany NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT-GROUP we will exhi­bit our high-pre­cis­ion machine tools and inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies. Atta­ched is a small insight into our booth. 

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A tailor-made career at NILES-SIMMONS

On 19.08.2019, 11 new trai­nees start a new phase of their lives at NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH. On #Wel­co­me­Day, they were alre­ady able to get to know their trai­ning com­pany and their new col­le­agues bet­ter. We wish them a good start and great suc­cess in their final exams!

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Scholarship holders regulars table at NILES-SIMMONS

Today the scho­lar­ship hol­ders and spon­sors of the Ger­man scho­lar­ship of our coope­ra­tion part­ner TU Chem­nitz were guests at NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen. After a short intro­duc­tion by our share­hol­der Prof. Nau­mann, the visi­tors mar­vel­led at the pro­duc­tion area and streng­the­ned them­sel­ves at the buf­fet during the final Meet & Greet. Thank you very much for your visit!

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Participation of NILES-SIMMONS employees in the Erzgebirgs-Biathlon-Company Cup

One reason for the good working atmo­sphere at NILES-SIMMONS is the regu­lar team events. Whe­ther within or across depart­ments, fun is ine­vi­ta­ble. This year some col­le­agues took part in the Erz­ge­birgs-Biath­lon-Com­pany Cup for the first time. Our col­le­agues are quite satis­fied with the times achie­ved. The first par­ti­ci­pa­tion should now become a tra­di­tion. See you next year!

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1st place for excellent working with young talents > intec Prize 2019

NILES-SIMMONS was awarded with the first prize for the wide range of mea­su­res suc­cessfully imple­men­ted by the com­pany in its work with young talents. Accor­ding to the jury, the 32 trai­nees and dual stu­dents curr­ently employed by the com­pany receive strong sup­port. Spe­cial top per­for­mers are invol­ved in con­crete rese­arch pro­jects accor­ding to the prin­ci­ple of 「pro­mote and require」. In this case the opti­mi­sa­tion of poly­gon pro­duc­tion on CNC machi­nes by poly­gon cut­ting. The indi­vi­dual pro­mo­tion of young peo­ple and the broad-based work with young peo­ple are important pil­lars of…

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25th anniversary of NILES-SIMMONS

Am 15. und 16. Sep­tem­ber beging der Chem­nit­zer Werk­zeug­ma­schi­nen­her­stel­ler NILES-SIMMONS mit einem Fest­akt das 25-jäh­rige Stand­ort­ju­bi­läum. Rund 200 Gäste aus Poli­tik, Wirt­schaft und Kul­tur fei­er­ten am Haupt­sitz der Firma. 
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