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Closed Door machined christmas gifts

Santa Claus has upgraded his Secret Santa work­shop! To make sure that all the dif­fe­rent wis­hes are ful­fil­led wit­hout errors and on time until Christ­mas, he now pro­du­ces all gifts clo­sed-door on one of our uni­ver­sal machi­ning cen­ters 😉 … and he is abso­lut­ely thril­led about his new equip­ment as you can see. Kno­wing that not­hing should stand in the way of a great Christ­mas, the NSH Group and all its sub­si­dia­ries wish all employees, cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and their fami­lies a healthy and magi­cal Christ­mas and a good start into…

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…cool stuff at the end of the working day! Ano­ther N40MC machi­ning cen­ter with 6 meters cen­ter distance of our sub­si­diary NILES-SIMMONS is ready for making its way to cus­to­mer site. Let’s hope for a safe trans­port and always happy customers! 

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»Customers for life – clear goal is to become a service-oriented company«

Inter­view with Lutz Leon­hardt, new Head of Logi­stics, Assem­bly and Ser­vice   NILES-SIMMONS: Hello Lutz, thank you very much for taking the time to talk briefly about yours­elf and your posi­tion in our com­pany. Let’s start in a very clas­si­cal way about yours­elf: What was your career before NILES-SIMMONS? Leon­hardt: Thank you. I star­ted by stu­dy­ing mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring at Chem­nitz Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity, which I com­ple­ted in 1992. My car­rier star­ted as a ser­vice engi­neer at MAN Pla­mag in Plauen, a prin­ting machine manu­fac­tu­rer. After 5 years I chan­ged to the…

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How to achieve the most out of six years professional learning

Just within the exact week of his 6‑year com­pany anni­ver­sary, Lukas Hei­ni­cke has alre­ady acqui­red two degrees and gai­ned a whole lot of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence. Initi­ally, he under­went voca­tio­nal trai­ning to be a cer­ti­fied mecha­tro­nics tech­ni­cian. At the same time, he recei­ved theo­re­ti­cal voca­tio­nal trai­ning in Zittau/ Gör­litz Uni­ver­sity of applied sci­en­ces. Within the dual study pro­gramme he has now finis­hed his stu­dies to be a Diplom-engi­neer for auto­ma­tion and mecha­tro­nics very suc­cessfully. During the last months, he worked on his final the­sis with the rese­arch sub­ject ‘Func­tion-ori­en­ted modu­la­ri­sa­tion of…

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Welcome aboard! We welcome our new apprentices

On Sep­tem­ber 1st, 2021, a new and exci­ting phase of life began for six young peo­ple who star­ted their app­ren­ti­ce­ship trai­ning as mecha­tro­nics tech­ni­ci­ans at NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH. We are happy to be able to accom­pany our new app­ren­ti­ces on this path and wish them a very good start into their pro­fes­sio­nal lives as well as much suc­cess and joy in working in our com­pany! Voca­tio­nal trai­ning at NILES is both a long tra­di­tion and an invest­ment in the future of the young peo­ple and the com­pany. It is great…

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Visit of our american colleagues in Chemnitz

To streng­then the dis­tri­bu­tion of our pro­ducts in the North Ame­ri­can mar­ket, the NSH sub­si­diary SIMMONS Machine Tool Cor­po­ra­tion has been ren­a­med NSH USA Cor­po­ra­tion. At the same time, NSH USA will also dis­tri­bute NILES-SIMMONS pro­ducts with imme­diate effect. To build up the know-how, the Ame­ri­can col­le­agues visi­ted us in Chem­nitz. Six weeks of inten­sive sales, ser­vice and appli­ca­tion trai­ning are now behind us – thank you for six weeks of pas­sion for tech­no­logy, com­mit­ment and enthu­si­asm for our NSH pro­ducts! Thank you for your visit – we are already…

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New 5‑axis milling center for mechanical production

For a con­ti­nuously high qua­lity of our machi­nes we also invest in our own pro­duc­tion. The latest invest­ment was made in our mecha­ni­cal pro­duc­tion. The new 5‑axis mil­ling cen­ter (Nmill) means high pre­cis­ion and own machi­ning com­pe­tence to ensure the hig­hest qua­lity for our cus­to­mers. Enjoy a few pic­tures of the machine installation. 

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Maker Fair Review – Festival for Inspiration, Creativity and Innovation with Participation of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group

Thank you for so many visi­tors and sup­port­ers at Maker Faire, which took place at the 18th of July in the city cen­ter of Chem­nitz. NSH Group spon­so­red the FABMOBIL (dou­ble-decker bus) at this crea­tive event. Digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies & machine tools were the two main topics in our show rooms. Espe­ci­ally future tech­no­lo­gies such as 3D prin­ting, robo­tics and pro­gramming were shown and we offe­red hands-on cour­ses as well. Our trai­nees also attrac­ted a lot of inte­rest with their self-desi­gned marble station.

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NSH Turnkey Cell with Milling Machine and Automation Equipment

The video gives a little insight behind the sce­nes of a new NSH-Turn­key Cell for the auto­ma­ted manu­fac­tu­ring of eccen­tric shafts. It con­sists of a highly effi­ci­ent com­bi­na­tion of a NILES-SIMMONS mil­ling machine N20CM and RASOMA auto­ma­tion equip­ment incl. gan­try, raw- & and finis­hed part hand­ling. Pro­ven NSH Group ‑team­work for 100% suc­cess and out­put of our cus­to­mers! Enjoy wacht­ing!  

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