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Our spring 2021 graduates – excellent!

During this spring, we were able to sup­port two of our dual under­gra­dua­tes towards their final aca­de­mic degree and we are more than happy that both deci­ded to stick with our com­pany.   We are plea­sed to con­gra­tu­late Maxi Klaus­nit­zer for her very suc­cessful final degree within our coope­ra­tive engi­nee­ring study pro­gram. Her final the­sis not only has been asses­sed with the hig­hest pos­si­ble grade 1.0 but was also hono­red with the renow­ned Ger­hard-Neu­mann award by Mitt­weida Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­en­ces. Maxi is enhan­cing our team pro­duc­tion plan­ning and con­trol. Her fin­dings con­cer­ning the eco­no­mical and tech­no­lo­gi­cal issues towards the intro­duc­tion of a soft­ware-based tool-manage­ment will help ensure our future…

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Congratulations on graduating from the cooperative engineering program

We would like to con­gra­tu­late Paolo Lieb­scher on his suc­cessful gra­dua­tion (grade: 1.0) from the coope­ra­tive engi­nee­ring trai­ning pro­gram in our com­pany. Mr. Lieb­scher will be taken on in the area of pro­ject tech­no­logy. »Due to the excel­lent deve­lo­p­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties as well as the varied work as an Appli­ca­tion Engi­neer, I con­sider NILES-SIMMONS to be a very important basis for my pro­fes­sio­nal direct entry and my per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment,« says Lieb­scher. »In my final the­sis, I dealt with pro­cess opti­miza­tion and soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment for the high-per­for­mance hob pee­ling pro­cess. The results…

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Congratulations on completing vocational training

We con­gra­tu­late our 11 app­ren­ti­ces of the class of 2017 on suc­cessfully com­ple­ting their voca­tio­nal trai­ning. We are par­ti­cu­larly plea­sed that we were able to take on Alex­an­dra, Carl, Robert, Franz and Eric as per­ma­nent employees. We wish our newly qua­li­fied young skil­led workers all the best, a suc­cessful start and look for­ward to working with them. We would also like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank our trai­ners, who sup­ported the app­ren­ti­ces with advice and prac­ti­cal help throug­hout the entire trai­ning period. From left: Eric Weber, Carl Nic­las Abel,…

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Complete machining of turbine and special shafts

In highly tech­ni­cal, inno­va­tive, and sen­si­tive indus­trial sec­tors such as the aero­space indus­try or the defense and energy sec­tors, the demands on the pro­duc­tion of com­plex com­pon­ents and the machi­ning of high-strength mate­ri­als are con­stantly incre­asing. In par­ti­cu­lar, the reduc­tion of error within pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses for highly com­plex and cost-inten­sive work­pie­ces is beco­ming more important with regard to the »cost-per-part« and the accu­ra­cies to be achieved.

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Happy & healthy new year 2021

We wish our employees as well as our cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers and part­ners a suc­cessful and healthy 2021. We look for­ward to a con­tin­ued exci­ting coope­ra­tion with uni­que results. Stay healthy.

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Chemnitz becomes European Capital of Culture 2025

With the decis­ion for Chem­nitz, a four-year appli­ca­tion pro­cess ends and Chem­nitz has won with a uni­que bid book (book of appli­ca­tion). We con­gra­tu­late to this result and we are glad that the bid book has the focus on the »hid­den cham­pi­ons« of the Chem­nitz cul­tu­ral and indus­trial region, which includes NILES-SIMMONS as a sub­si­diary of the renow­ned NSH Machine Tool Group. The eco­no­mic sti­mu­lus package also includes many other regi­ons in Europe, which is a strong state­ment for a cos­mo­po­li­tan com­mu­nity across natio­nal bor­ders. We would like to take…

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Substitution of grinding processes in crankshaft machining – NILES-SIMMONS Industrieanlagen GmbH introduces new technology hard milling

In today’s mar­ket place, the most important dri­ving forces in the field of auto­mo­tive indus­try are sus­taina­bi­lity, resource con­ser­va­tion and eco­no­mic effi­ci­ency. These trends do not only drive the deve­lo­p­ment of new inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and final con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons for new pro­ducts, but also push the ever-incre­asing requi­re­ments of the manu­fac­tu­r­ers to find new cost-effi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring con­cepts for the pro­duc­tion of the exis­ting com­pon­ents in production.

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We congratulate on the completion of the cooperative engineering training

We would like to con­gra­tu­late Maxi Klaus­nit­zer and Fer­hat Macar on the suc­cessful com­ple­tion of their coope­ra­tive engi­nee­ring trai­ning in our com­pany. Maxi Klaus­nit­zer is now working in the work pre­pa­ra­tion depart­ment (pro­duc­tion plan­ning and con­trol) after finis­hing her final the­sis. »During my trai­ning I gai­ned a very good insight into the various pro­ces­ses and I enjoyed working on my pro­ject tog­e­ther with my super­vi­sors. The topic was the fine con­cep­tion and pilot intro­duc­tion of a tool manage­ment sys­tem, which is to be intro­du­ced in the fore­seeable future«. Fer­hat Macar…

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Annual employee volleyball tournament

This year, the annual NILES employees」 vol­ley­ball tour­na­ment took place again, which is also finan­ci­ally sup­ported by the com­pany. In the best of wea­ther, there was dili­gently splas­hing, dig­ging and blo­cking. We are plea­sed that the event attracts more and more employees every year and that the cohe­sion among col­le­agues, which is espe­ci­ally important in these times, is fur­ther streng­the­ned. A small sel­ec­tion of pic­tures can be found here: 

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