Maker Fair Review – Festival for Inspiration, Creativity and Innovation with Participation of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group
Thank you for so many visitors and supporters at Maker Faire, which took place at the 18th of July in the city center of Chemnitz. NSH Group sponsored the FABMOBIL (double-decker bus) at this creative event. Digital technologies & machine tools were the two main topics in our show rooms. Especially future technologies such as 3D printing, robotics and programming were shown and we offered hands-on courses as well. Our trainees also attracted a lot of interest with their self-designed marble station.
NSH Turnkey Cell with Milling Machine and Automation Equipment
The video gives a little insight behind the scenes of a new NSH-Turnkey Cell for the automated manufacturing of eccentric shafts. It consists of a highly efficient combination of a NILES-SIMMONS milling machine N20CM and RASOMA automation equipment incl. gantry, raw- & and finished part handling. Proven NSH Group ‑teamwork for 100% success and output of our customers! Enjoy wachting!
Our spring 2021 graduates – excellent!
During this spring, we were able to support two of our dual undergraduates towards their final academic degree and we are more than happy that both decided to stick with our company. We are pleased to congratulate Maxi Klausnitzer for her very successful final degree within our cooperative engineering study program. Her final thesis not only has been assessed with the highest possible grade 1.0 but was also honored with the renowned Gerhard-Neumann award by Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. Maxi is enhancing our team production planning and control. Her findings concerning the economical and technological issues towards the introduction of a software-based tool-management will help ensure our future…
Congratulations on graduating from the cooperative engineering program
We would like to congratulate Paolo Liebscher on his successful graduation (grade: 1.0) from the cooperative engineering training program in our company. Mr. Liebscher will be taken on in the area of project technology. »Due to the excellent development opportunities as well as the varied work as an Application Engineer, I consider NILES-SIMMONS to be a very important basis for my professional direct entry and my personal development,« says Liebscher. »In my final thesis, I dealt with process optimization and software development for the high-performance hob peeling process. The results…
Congratulations on completing vocational training
We congratulate our 11 apprentices of the class of 2017 on successfully completing their vocational training. We are particularly pleased that we were able to take on Alexandra, Carl, Robert, Franz and Eric as permanent employees. We wish our newly qualified young skilled workers all the best, a successful start and look forward to working with them. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our trainers, who supported the apprentices with advice and practical help throughout the entire training period. From left: Eric Weber, Carl Niclas Abel,…
Complete machining of turbine and special shafts
In highly technical, innovative, and sensitive industrial sectors such as the aerospace industry or the defense and energy sectors, the demands on the production of complex components and the machining of high-strength materials are constantly increasing. In particular, the reduction of error within production processes for highly complex and cost-intensive workpieces is becoming more important with regard to the »cost-per-part« and the accuracies to be achieved.
Happy & healthy new year 2021
We wish our employees as well as our customers, suppliers and partners a successful and healthy 2021. We look forward to a continued exciting cooperation with unique results. Stay healthy.
Chemnitz becomes European Capital of Culture 2025
With the decision for Chemnitz, a four-year application process ends and Chemnitz has won with a unique bid book (book of application). We congratulate to this result and we are glad that the bid book has the focus on the »hidden champions« of the Chemnitz cultural and industrial region, which includes NILES-SIMMONS as a subsidiary of the renowned NSH Machine Tool Group. The economic stimulus package also includes many other regions in Europe, which is a strong statement for a cosmopolitan community across national borders. We would like to take…
Substitution of grinding processes in crankshaft machining – NILES-SIMMONS Industrieanlagen GmbH introduces new technology hard milling
In today’s market place, the most important driving forces in the field of automotive industry are sustainability, resource conservation and economic efficiency. These trends do not only drive the development of new innovative technologies and final configurations for new products, but also push the ever-increasing requirements of the manufacturers to find new cost-efficient manufacturing concepts for the production of the existing components in production.