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Hegenscheidt-MFD: the long history of our sister company

Wars move the eco­nomy in seve­ral ways. The change of pro­duc­tion to arma­ments, the relo­ca­tion of pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties to »safer« areas, the dis­mant­ling and rem­oval of faci­li­ties after a vic­tory in the win­ner count­ries. In other cases, the peo­ple flee only with their know­ledge. 72 years ago, in 1947, the way of Hegen­scheidt com­pany from Rabi­tor, Upper Sile­sia ended in Erkel­enz, which had been con­que­red by the Soviet army and had became Polish. This year, the com­pany is cele­bra­ting its 130th anni­ver­sary there. The com­pany has made a name for…

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Automatized wheelset machining for metro companies

Wheel­sets of rail­way vehic­les are expo­sed to con­stant wear during ope­ra­tion. This is che­cked regu­larly; the respec­tive main­ten­ance mea­su­res for the wheel­sets are usually exe­cu­ted at regu­lar inter­vals. A fur­ther opti­mi­sa­tion of main­ten­ance pro­longs the run­ning times of the wheel­sets and also redu­ces the costs for the ope­ra­tors. For the ana­ly­sis of wear fac­tors, it is neces­sary to trace the history of wheel­sets throug­hout their ser­vice life accor­ding to their cha­rac­te­ristic data. These ana­ly­ses pro­vide the basis for iden­ti­fy­ing and tap­ping pre­viously unu­sed poten­tial in the main­ten­ance of wheel­sets. With…

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NILES-SIMMONS opens its doors to visitors

When the smell of pop­corn and seve­ral tons of heavy machine tools comes into your nose, it’s time again: NILES-SIMMONS opens its doors for all curious visi­tors during the days of indus­trial cul­ture in Chem­nitz. A total of 300 visi­tors used last Fri­day evening to find out more about Saxony’s lar­gest machine tool manu­fac­tu­rer. For this pur­pose, we orga­ni­zed dif­fe­rent tours of the plant, where the machi­nes could be viewed in detail. Many thanks to all visi­tors for their high inte­rest. We are alre­ady loo­king for­ward to next year. In…

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Review of the EMO 2019 in Hannover

6 days of machine tool busi­ness at the EMO in Han­no­ver are over. We would like to thank all visi­tors of our booth and are loo­king for­ward to many new busi­ness. Our sales team will cont­act you in the coming weeks. Until then, please find below a small insight into the booth of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group, inclu­ding the trai­nee mee­ting and the WEMA: 

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We congratulate to 130 years HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD

After 100 years RASOMA we cele­brate this year 130 years HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD. 1600 guests were invi­ted to the anni­ver­sary of our sis­ter com­pany, among them just com­pany employees and their fami­lies. It was very important for HEGENSCHEIDT to arrange the com­pany anni­ver­sary as a family cele­bra­tion. John Oli­ver Nau­mann, Mana­ging Direc­tor and Chair­man of the Board, explai­ned that HEGENSCHEIDT is »very proud of its employees, who are par­ti­ally working for HEGENSCHEIDT in the third or even fourth gene­ra­tion within their family and have thus shown great loyalty to the com­pany«. In…

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The solution is the key – Managing Director Klaus Kräher gives an interview to the business forum

»No one has wai­ted for our pro­ducts.« That is what Klaus Krä­her, Mana­ging Direc­tor and COO of NILES-SIMMONS Indus­trie­an­la­gen GmbH, says about the new start of the machine tool com­pany after the reuni­fi­ca­tion. Today, the com­pany with around 400 employees and an export quota of 85% ranks under the top ten in the  Ger­man indus­try. In par­ti­cu­lar, the avia­tion, rail­way and auto­mo­tive indus­tries are the company’s main sec­tors. „Of course, there were alre­ady enough mar­ket lea­der in our branch after the reuni­fi­ca­tion, but through our fle­xi­bi­lity and com­plete pro­duc­tion concepts,…

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We move – NSH Group with a new image spot

Whe­ther cranks­hafts in cars and trucks, tur­bine disks in air­crafts or wheel­sets in trains – all these work­pie­ces are pro­du­ced on machi­nes from our hol­ding com­pany the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group. In this way, the Group moves a bil­lion peo­ple in over 100 count­ries every day. The new image film empha­zi­ses the non-tech­ni­cal facts of the Machine Tool Group. The audi­ence should get an impres­sion of how often the tech­no­lo­gies of the NSH Group are found in ever­y­day situa­tions and how diverse the com­pany has posi­tio­ned its­elf. We are proud to be part…

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Charity soccer tournament »Chemnitzer Firmen-Cup«

Our com­pany team had a par­ti­cu­larly chal­len­ging time at this year’s cha­rity foot­ball tour­na­ment »Chem­nit­zer Fir­men-Cup«. Many strong teams were assi­gned to Group C, inclu­ding both teams that won first place (SODECIA Power­train Oels­nitz GmbH) and second place (Aumann Lim­bach-Ober­frohna GmbH), as well as last year’s tour­na­ment win­ner (HTM Här­te­tech­nik und Metall­be­ar­bei­tung GmbH). In the first game our team expe­ri­en­ced the hig­hest defeat with 0:5 against Aumann. A second loss was suf­fe­red against the later tour­na­ment win­ner SODECIA with 0:2, but no more games were lost in the group phase:…

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Running against cancer – 210km in 2.5 hours

They ran from our loca­tion in Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. Not in 45 hours as sug­gested by Google Maps, but in only 2.5 hours. Fur­ther­more Google did not take into account the very warm tem­pe­ra­ture of 35°C. This can only be achie­ved as a strong team. 22 run­ners from our staff ran a total of 524 laps in the run­ning against can­cer. This is equi­va­lent to about 210 km – once from Chem­nitz to Ber­lin. A super per­for­mance. The lea­der among the women was Silke Wei­zel, who ran a strong 16.4km…

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