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First snow in Chemnitz

The first snow, just in time for Christ­mas – thanks to the col­le­agues for the great deco­ra­tion at our head­quar­ters in Chem­nitz 🙂 We wish all busi­ness part­ners a won­derful pre-Christ­mas period.

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And Action! – We proudly present: The new NILES-SIMMONS Success-Story about the customer GEA Westfalia

Tog­e­ther with the film team of our video part­ner Video Vision, we had the plea­sure to look behind the sce­nes of the hap­pe­nings at the GEA West­fa­lia Sepe­ra­tor Group at the com­pany loca­tion in Oelde. The goal was film­ing for the docu­men­ta­tion of the estab­lished part­ner­ship. With over 15 turn-mill machi­ning cen­ters and lathes in all sizes of the NILES-SIMMONS hori­zon­tal series, there is a part­ner­ship in tech­no­logy deve­lo­p­ment and ser­vice that is ready for the future. The turn-mill machi­ning cen­ters and lathes are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by high sta­bi­lity, bet­ter cutting…

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Welcome to the AMB in Stuttgart | 13. – 17.09.2022 | Hall 4, Booth A13

After a long absence from the trade fair due to the pan­de­mic, we are retur­ning this year to the pro­ven and estab­lished mee­ting place for the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring indus­try and are plea­sed to be pre­sent at this year’s AMB in Stutt­gart from Sep­tem­ber 13 – 17 and to once again be able to talk per­so­nally with our cus­to­mers and inte­res­ted par­ties on site. We cor­di­ally invite you to visit us at our booth in hall 4, booth A13 and to exch­ange infor­ma­tion about new pro­jects and news in our product…

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Fair participations of our sisters – Railtex, GrindingHub & Innotrans

After a break of two years due to the pan­de­mic, fairs will be held again this year. As part of the NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group, our sis­ter com­pa­nies are also exhi­bi­ting their pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies at num­e­rous fairs. Our sis­ter com­pany from Erkel­enz, HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD, will be repre­sen­ted at Rail­tex in Lon­don in May (10.05. – 12.05.22) and in Sep­tem­ber at the world’s lar­gest rail­road fair – Inno­trans in Ber­lin (20.09. – 23.09.22). The focus will be on wheel­set machi­ning by under­floor machi­nes and on the newly deve­lo­ped Total Wheel­set Manage­ment software -…

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Recently our annual cor­po­rate health day suc­cessfully took place at our pre­mi­ses in Chem­nitz. Whe­ther it was about eye­sight, men­tal health, work-life-balance, nut­ri­tion or a healthy life­style and active breaks – our employees were able to test a wide variety of offers and check out the various sta­ti­ons dedi­ca­ted to pre­ven­tion and health main­ten­ance and get ple­nty of useful advice. We would like to thank all our part­ners and con­tri­bu­tors for making this inters­t­ing day hap­pen and look for­ward to the next cor­po­rate health day. 

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And Action! – We proudly present … The new NILES-Success-Story about our customer OTTO FUCHS

Our new video docu­men­tary about our suc­cessful cus­to­mer rela­ti­onship and the latest jointly rea­li­zed pro­ject with our cus­to­mer OTTO FUCHS KG is finally online. Alre­ady at the end of sum­mer last year we had the plea­sure to look behind the sce­nes of the OTTO FUCHS busi­ness at the company’s site in Mei­nerz­ha­gen tog­e­ther with the film team of our video part­ner Video Vision. The aim was to film foo­tage for the docu­men­ta­tion of the highly auto­ma­ted pro­duc­tion cell we recently deli­vered to OTTO FUCHS, con­sis­ting of a Turn­Mill machi­ning center…

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User Report – Planning reliability in work preparation

As part of the con­ti­nuous digi­tiza­tion pro­cess, we have rea­ched ano­ther mile­stone. Tog­e­ther with HSI GmbH, we have digi­ti­zed our pro­duc­tion plan­ning and will con­ti­nue to opti­mize it in the coming years. The results are alre­ady visi­ble with resi­li­ent plan­ning times, com­pre­hen­si­ble work plans and more effi­ci­ency in pro­duc­tion. The coope­ra­tion with the soft­ware com­pany from Erfurt has resul­ted in a joint user report, which we are plea­sed to make available to you here. Enjoy rea­ding.     We uses tailor-made soft­ware when it comes to plan­ning assem­blies Plan­ning reliability…

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Congratulations on completing vocational training

We con­gra­tu­late our 8 app­ren­ti­ces of the class of 2018 on suc­cessfully com­ple­ting their voca­tio­nal trai­ning. We are par­ti­cu­larly plea­sed that we were able to take on Ricardo, Mar­kus, Nico and Jakob as per­ma­nent employees. We wish our newly qua­li­fied young skil­led workers all the best, a suc­cessful start and look for­ward to working with them. We would also like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank our trai­ners, who sup­ported the app­ren­ti­ces with advice and prac­ti­cal help throug­hout the entire trai­ning period. From left: Niko Pau­lig (Trai­ner), Nico Straube, Ricardo…

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Happy New Year

The year 2022 has just begun… … but we alre­ady feel the sparks of new visi­ons, tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions, exci­ting pro­jects, new hori­zons, pro­ven part­ner­ship, com­mon goals, strong team spi­rit and joint suc­cess. Tog­e­ther! With our sis­ter com­pa­nies, with our out­stan­ding employees and with our great cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers and part­ners world­wide. Let’s get it on – We wish you all the best for 2022, above all the best ever health at all times for all of us, and the spi­rit to dis­co­ver some­thing new and inspi­ring every day. 

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